Posts Tagged: 'octavio+silva'

Mar. 3rd, 2020




This place is so cool. Like. I was eleven and I had this wicked cool bunny that my father's assistant got me when I asked for a puppy for Christmas, right? So here is this bunny, that is named Navidad who is the coolest little bunbun ever. So cool. It would like do stunts with me, and hangout in my coat and would do this crazy stuff. Super. Fearless. Bunny McBunnyFace.

Right. So.

This bunny of mine, is just staring at me while sitting on my kitchen counter.


I'mma go jump off something with it.
Are their any rockets or such around here?

Mar. 2nd, 2020


Isn't there some saying about music making people come together? Wait, pretty sure that's a Madonna lyric. Anyway.

You know what's fun? When we all hang out in a mass setting. You know what else is fun? Karaoke.

So, logic: Get together and sing karaoke.

Residents of Starklandia (also Thortopia?) are all invited to karaoke night hosted by Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy on THURSDAY.

You'll know the time when you start hearing singing. Not from Earth? No worries. All the lyrics to all the songs come up on the screen when you pick one anyway.

Most of us made idiots of ourselves on Valentine's Day already so there shouldn't be any inhibitions about singing at this point, right? Right. Besides, we've got loads of liquid courage to go around.

Feb. 20th, 2020



All right. Sure. This is normal. I guess I better get straight to the point. Where the fuck am I? Also, if this is some kind of test, fine. Whatever. Can we get it over with? Cause I've got somewhere to be and another me to replace.

Feb. 15th, 2020



posted during this thread

Hello! I'm Weiss, and I just met Octane. He's super nice and like just a little cute.
Just kidding. He's a lot cute. And totally hilarious!
He's totally not the one typing this because she thinks her device is broken.
I mean. Me. Or. What?



Hi s I’lliof


Wg Ah ugh nrr deer ndj.


Ryu by ?


Jan. 31st, 2020



Private --> Stan

Hey. Yeah.

So. I know this week was a lot tougher on you than me.

You're a trooper.
I'm really happy to have met you, and if I were to be tethered to anyone - I'm pretty stoked it was you.

Cheers, amigo!

I left some bird books I found in the library here on your front steps.

Jan. 25th, 2020



Who else is still mysteriously connected to someone? Show of hands? Because I don't know what the shelf life is on a typical magic spell or whatever but I'd really love to be able to pee without someone right outside the door.

Jan. 16th, 2020



Can somebody please explain this....egg creature that's following me around? I think it thinks I'm its mom, but I don't know where its family is??

I have never seen an animal like this, is the future normally this weird or is it just this place?

Jan. 3rd, 2020



So, hey, who knows how to wedding in this place? Asking for a friend.

And thank you for the gifts. The movie projector is amazing. I have no idea how it works or how to set it up but that's a problem for the actual geniuses I'm going to bother later. It gets us a step closer to turning one of these houses into a mini theater for the town to enjoy. The laser tag is also very much appreciated. I really needed a way to painlessly and non-fatally shoot these assholes I live with under the guise of a game.

I'm not even going to think about the changes to the town that seemed to happen overnight. Look. Paved roads are great. If it was just that I'd be all for it. Everything else? Yeah. No. If I focus on any of that I'll explode.

Dec. 30th, 2019




Alright. I didn't have a basement yesterday.
I do today. And in this basement... is this giant... bouncy... trampoline thing. Just trampolines everywhere. I CAN BOUNCE FOR DAYS.

This. Is. So. Cool.
This place is so awesome!

Who wants to come bounce!?

Dec. 28th, 2019



So in addition to a fabulous Secret Santa present (thanks, Secret Santa - I might know who you are), I guess the town or something decided that those who live in the house with me needed an extra helping of corgi butt so I present to you...

nameless corgi butt )

She is nameless so far, because I'm not great at that sort of thing. Any suggestions?

Dec. 9th, 2019



We've got'em at Van Dyne's and they're super tacky. Some even light up. Let's have an ugly Christmas sweater party soon, YES? I've got Hanukkah ones too. THEY'RE COMFY AND GAUDY AND THE BEST.

Dec. 7th, 2019



Every once in a while, I just kind of get to missing weird things from back home.

Like, Twitter. And the comments section on Youtube. Sometimes you just wanna watch people argue in circles without having to be a part of it.

Anyway. Who wants to go shopping with me with the Doors? Have Bow, will travel.

Dec. 6th, 2019



This. Place. Is. GREAT.

Drama. Snowballs. Bickering.

Ahhh. Feels just like home.
If home was a bleak snow covered landscape.

What is there for a guy to do around here?

Dec. 5th, 2019



Remember that time that I thought it was a good idea to take my coat off in the cold during a snowball fight?