Feb. 6th, 2020



HEY. Do you guys remember valentine's day cards? You know, the kind you got in school with like a bunch of those little heart candies that said stuff on them that was like.... meant to be romantic like "too cute" except it was always ruined because they tasted like chalk?

we should bring those back.



With Valentine's day approaching, I've realized the the worst thing about living here is going to be that there's no Day After Valentine's candy sale. National tragedy.

also, Siri, how do i romance someone when there is one restaurant in town.

Private to Stan and Eddie
We have to get something. Y'know. For Bev's birthday? It's coming up.

Also, like, no big deal but I'm gonna have a dude look at my brain for evil space stuff and or something something something wolf magic?
So I'm thinking like, maybe Bev wants a ping pong table?

Private to Beverly
Required: more details on your party and how I might help out. I'm good for more than cheese dicks.
Also your opinion on something. No, it's not clothing related, I know I'm a lost cause.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Private to Peter Parker (MCU) )

Feb. 2nd, 2020



Okay, I'm giving everyone a couple week's notice so you can come to terms with not being holed up in your caves all day with the person you're currently sleeping with - but Valentine's Day. It's a Friday. My birthday is the day before. I'm merging them together to host a party on Valentine's Day, at the house where I live, so you all better be there. It'll start at 7:00 PM so do your schmoopy breakfasts or lunches before then, I don't care. Just come to the party.

There will be food and drinks. Maybe some candy. Maybe some actual Valentine's Day cards. Maybe some surprises. Maybe cheese dicks again, if you ask Richie nicely.

Feb. 1st, 2020



While most of you were uh reuniting? preoccupied busy, I went and looked into one of those doors. Found a bunch of medical supplies to help stock up the building that is supposed to be meant for medical supplies - wasn't a ton since I only have two arms, but decent enough.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I know the basics about that sort of thing and can help, so. I'll be in that building if I'm not in my empty house. If anyone ever needs medical assistance.

My name's Dan, by the way. I guess I'm kind of new.

Jan. 31st, 2020



Private → Starkiller

As everyone seems to have separated from the bonds that were forced on them, I have decided you are now free too. Is this the case?



Private → Bill and Private →Diego

Bill )

Diego )



Private --> Stan

Hey. Yeah.

So. I know this week was a lot tougher on you than me.

You're a trooper.
I'm really happy to have met you, and if I were to be tethered to anyone - I'm pretty stoked it was you.

Cheers, amigo!

I left some bird books I found in the library here on your front steps.



Private --> Loki

You're not so bad.

I might actually miss hanging out with you a bit.
Even if you're a bit stabby.

Jan. 30th, 2020



My dearest and most esteemed Steven Rogers,

I hope this letter finds you well -- I know the weather hasn't been much in terms of delight lately and besides that, the company has felt very forced. But I want you to know, as I write this, from some thirty feet away, that I am thinking of you! I appreciate the time you've made for me recently! All the free shows, whining and the five sit ups, included.


I seem to be free now, so, you know.

Bye Loser.

Much love and admiration,
Richard Tozier

PS: Loser is a term of endearment, okay. You know that.
PPS: You should definitely go get laid now. You deserve it.

Jan. 27th, 2020



Text to Richie Tozier

Private to Richie )



Well, okay.

The afterlife looks like a bunch of buildings in a town square. And there's a phone. Am I messaging anyone? Sarte did say 'Hell is other people' so it would make sense if that were the case. My own personal Hell is definitely other people.

Jan. 26th, 2020



Does this happen a lot? I don't think my tether buddy likes me.

Jan. 25th, 2020



None offense to Gamora, who is sitting approx five feet away from me, but I'm just gonna go right out and say it (as if I've never said it before. Strewth). Fuck magic.

Sorry lot, I can't seem to untangle it.



Who else is still mysteriously connected to someone? Show of hands? Because I don't know what the shelf life is on a typical magic spell or whatever but I'd really love to be able to pee without someone right outside the door.

Jan. 17th, 2020



Hey. People of Ugh I hate it still. Starklandia.

Who wants to go ice skating.
I do, and I have two Squirtles would would be more than happy to help me spray a ton of water and get it frozen for our pleasure.

So, I suppose...
This is a warning actually.

I'm making an ice skating rink.

Jan. 16th, 2020



Can somebody please explain this....egg creature that's following me around? I think it thinks I'm its mom, but I don't know where its family is??

I have never seen an animal like this, is the future normally this weird or is it just this place?

Jan. 12th, 2020



How's everyone doing from the grave? That's where you all are, right? Dead?

Or, just, like sticking indoors because it's balls cold out? Because that's what I've been doing. But my legs feel twitchy. I've got to move.

Jan. 3rd, 2020







[Dick, of the Grayson variety]

Uh... can we talk...
I can't talk to Barbara about this.
Well I could.
She just...
She's a she and I think I...


Can we talk..?