Daily Scans
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
02:13 pm [zechs27]
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Martial Arts Week: Cassandra Cain vs Lady Shiva

Two of the greatest Martial Artists in the DCU go at it.
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, publisher: dc comics, series: martial arts week, title: batgirl
12:08 am [zechs27]
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Martial Arts Week: Cassandra/Shiva The Fabled First and Second Meetings from two of the greatest Martial Artists in the DC Universe.
 Dial Uppers Beware!!
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, publisher: dc comics, series: martial arts week, title: batgirl
10:05 pm [kingrockwell]
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Martial Arts Week: The theme week that'll kick your keister! Who's in? It's easy, all you have to do is post from your favorite martial arts related comic! To kick us off, I've got kind of a long discussion to start here...
So let's see what you guys have!
Current Music: Carl Douglas ~ "Kung Fu Fighting" Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: black canary/dinah lance, char: bronze tiger/ben turner, char: green arrow/connor hawke, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, char: richard dragon, creator: chuck dixon, creator: damion scott, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: don newton, creator: gail simone, creator: greg rucka, creator: luke mcdonnell, creator: pat olliffe, creator: paulo sequeira, creator: scott mcdaniel, publisher: dc comics, series: martial arts week
01:13 pm [volksjager]
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Let's take a look back to when Girl-Robin RULED !

( Read more... )
Current Music: Loyalist Thugs "No scabs,No Vocab" Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, creator: bill willingham, creator: damion scott, publisher: dc comics, title: robin
07:29 pm [zechs27]
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Positive Comic Week- Batgirl and Spoiler Sparring More Cass and Steph fun plus more chibi pics of them.

Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, publisher: dc comics, series: positive comics week, title: batgirl
11:20 pm [zechs27]
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Positive Comic Week- Batgirl and Spoiler First Team Up Scans of Batgirl #20. Batgirl and Spoiler's first team up!
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, creator: chuck dixon, creator: damion scott, publisher: dc comics, series: positive comics week, title: batgirl
04:41 pm [runespoor7]
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Bruce denial: Cass: Murderer? This is the beginning of Bruce's denial that Cass might have killed someone as a child. I say beginning because it comes up every time that event/possibility is referred to in her own series.
So cute, so fucked-up.
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: david cain, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, publisher: dc comics, title: batgirl
08:21 pm [runespoor7]
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When Cass was like Jason 4 scans from Batgirl #07. writer: Kelley Puckett, penciller: Damion Scott
Being to compared to Jason Todd, in the Batman mythos, is a Bad Thing. According to the orthodox editorial meta, being like Jason means being angry, badly trained, and reckless. Jason Todd is widely depicted as the Bad Robin - first he died, and now he's back, meta wants to make him "irredeemable".
It's generally admitted that Steph was like Jason. (Even Robins represent.)
( Before that, there was the time *Cass* was like Jason. )
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, publisher: dc comics, title: batgirl
06:42 pm [nevermore999]
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Super Steph Series pt 7- Steph and Cass: Best Friends 4evah I love Steph. I love Cass. And their friendship is my favorite one in comics. They're just very different- Cass is quiet, Steph can't shut up, Cass is super super good at martial arts, Steph is always messing up, Steph clowns around, Cass is serious- and yet the same- they're both very determined, good hearted people, they both have daddy issues, they both don't quite fit in....and they benefit from each other. Steph benefits from Cass's knowledge and training, and Steph teaches Cass about interacting with people, and being a teenage girl. Also, Steph is the only one probably, who wasn't ever afraid or in some way intimidated by Cass's traumatic past. She was able to LAUGH with Cass about it. The two are just so perfect and awesome together.
So lets see them being awesome, shall we? (Batgirl #20, 21, 26, 27 and 28, as well as Last Laugh #3)
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, creator: chuck dixon, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, creator: phil noto, series: super steph series, title: batgirl