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Feb. 26th, 2016


log: connie/will mourn the hopefully temporary closing of crust & crumb

Who: Connie/Will
Where: Secondhand books/Coffee
When: recently
What: crying over no muffins
Warnings: nerds

no muffins for Connie )

Feb. 22nd, 2016



[Sister Temperance the Bellatora]

[Carver sends her a copy of a note from the church, very explicitly telling him to spy on her while he's there. Why they sent the guy who hears Bernadette in his head, no one knows.] Bellatora. This should come as no surprise.


The church has opened a prayer room to help those suffering from the mist. Day and night, if you need it.

Feb. 15th, 2016



[Curiously, as she keeps track of police reports from her safe location within the facility.]

Can men that are tortured and left outside the police station still be arrested and/or convicted, or are they incapable of being prosecuted due to the manner in which they were apprehended? It kind of contaminates the chain of evidence super bad, doesn't it?

Feb. 10th, 2016



Two things. I need to know if there's anywhere in a ten mile radius that serves shochu. Also, for science, I need to know if anyone else thinks there's a weird vibe around the lake.

Feb. 8th, 2016



serious question: anybody else here havin some mid life crisis or boredom problem or whatever that you wanna solve with martial arts and learnin to fight from somebody real experienced in the gentle art of fuckin someone up

if so [...] okay so maybe im drunk still workin on the sales pitch here but real importantly: how much would you pay this trainer for the privilege of sweepin the floor with your ass for say, a few hours every week

Feb. 7th, 2016



Three bars and a carnival. Repose, you've changed. You used to be all about church and now, you're something else. I like this new side to you.

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