August 2020



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June 27th, 2019

[info]abaddeal in [info]repose


The electronics repair shop off 314 is now open for business. We repair and buy used electronics, accept all forms of payment, and any electronic items you care to offer up as tribute will be repaired for nominal fee or purchased outright. Used items are likely not worth as much as you think they are, apologies in advance, but know that your addition to this digital graveyard is, in a way, a donation to prevent planned obsolescence from swallowing the planet in junk, and isn't that reward enough?

[Here the address and operating hours: Mon-Fri, 11 AM - 9 PM]

[info]caeteradesunt in [info]repose

Facility: newt and adrian

Who: Newt and Adrian
What: Meeting in the cell, continuing from here.
Where: The facility.

The cell )

[info]bigmaoth in [info]repose

Log: Mao & Vaughn

Who: Mao and Vaughn.
What: Mao lets the cat out of the bag.
Where: Vaughn’s place.
When: A few days after this.
Warnings/Rating: Lowish???

Surprise! It’s me...! )

[info]nothingends in [info]repose

public, jamie m.

If I were to say that I was going to have drinks and dancing at my place Friday evening, would anyone be interested in that sort of thing?

[Jamie M.]
I owe you an apology. I wasn't clear and it wasn't kind to you or Hannah and I'm sorry. I'm not certain of any way to make amends in any practical sense, but I do regret it, and since we will be working together, I felt it was important to acknowledge I made mistakes

Hannah thought that we should talk. My impression before was that you did not want to and I've no intention of forcing a confidence. But since we will be working together, even in an amateur stage performance, I didn't want to go without saying the above at the very least.