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June 3rd, 2017

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

Matt D, Steve R, Janus A, PJ R, Connie G

[Locked to Matt D]
[During this.] Need help. Injured bird. Don't ask.

[Group: Steve R, Janus A, PJ R]
Everyone OK up there?

[Locked to Connie G]

[info]verbumdomini in [info]repose

Log: Daniel/Claire

Who: Daniel and Claire
What: Talks
Where: Daniel's.
When: Fuzzy time. Whenever we decide it happens.
Warnings/Rating: Probably none.

Claire had not bothered to call. She didn't feel she needed to. Not because she was expected, but because she thought her presence would be recognized regardless of announcement. There was also the fact that she thought if she asked first, he would have said no. The soldier inside of her would not allow refusal, so she charged forward. Tonight she was not there because it would be what he wished, she was there because it was what she required. The streets were empty at this hour of the night which made her job of getting across town that much easier.

She knocked quickly on the door of the music store, shifting her weight from one blue plaid boot to the other. It was too warm for her thick jacket and gloves, but they were on anyway. Like they always were. She held the strap of the duffel bag protectively while the weight of it bit into her shoulder. Her flight out of the country was scheduled and she was here to ask Daniel a favor. She had not forgotten the matter of plain talk, though Claire may leave that to another day. That nonsense was secondary. On the same note, however, she did want to see Daniel. It had been too long, and the last time she had seen him was not at a time that he would remember.

[info]reposememories in [info]repose

What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing.
Warning, this memory contains: References to death

You know the way there and you know the way back, it’s two crossings of the road and four blocks total and the light of the store is yellow outside )

[info]thefixer in [info]repose

daniel w, misha b, louis d, cat c + mj w

[daniel w]

hello, sunshine. you in your den?

[misha b]

claire's alive, then?

[louis d]

are you surviving?

[cat c/mj w]

checking in, please and thank you.

[info]reposememories in [info]repose


What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: weird

Lately things they don't seem the same. Actin' funny, but I don't know why. )