August 2020



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March 9th, 2017

[info]afrit in [info]repose

Iris M

[Locked to Iris M]
[Before this.]

HEY! Gratz on the bakery, baby.

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Claire J

[via text.] I need to get out of this town.

[info]mareas in [info]repose

[Woods: Patrick & Raven]

Who: Patrick & Raven
What: An encounter
Where: The woods
When: Todayish
Warnings/Rating: Unlikely!

Patrick was spending less and less time in town. It wasn't on purpose, and he wasn't hiding from anything, dude, but it was still something that was happening. He'd liked the season he spent in Shoshone National Forest, wrecked romance aside, and this felt like that. It was starting to get warm, and everything was blooming, and Patrick thought it was all most excellent. All right, there was interesting stuff going on in the Family Gunster, especially with Adrian's admission that he'd possibly slaughtered all the wizard younglings, and there was the intriguing cipher of Newt's suitcase, not to mention Con and Dahl and their star-crossed lesbianmance, but none of it trumped the righteous awesomeness of the woods, not for Patrick, and not during this season.

Plus, there was a mystery brewing, dudes.

Repose's woods were full of illicit things. The abandoned house that weren't abandoned, those were in violation of every code that existed, but Patrick turned a blind eye on the regular. Patrick had grown up in Repose, and he knew the legitimate amount of weird crap that populated the town. He knew there were werewolves howling at the moon, and he knew weird witch huts disappeared and reappeared, and he knew he had his own pointy ears he hid beneath his floppy blond hair. Man, he pretended that shit was nothing, but Patrick wasn't dumb, all right? He wasn't a Gunster Genius™, but he'd spent a lot of time learning to stuff to make himself appear less not-Gunster Genius™. Anyway, he knew there was a ton of crap rotten in the state of Reposemark. But this was something new.

The first time he noticed the woman in the woods, he discounted her. She wasn't leaving any fires burning, so she didn't rate. Until she disappeared most unexpectedly, and then she mega-rated, friends. He saw her a few more time, but he didn't manage to climb down from the lookout in time to catch her. But, this time, when he saw the dark-haired lady, he ran. Jeans, plaid layered over a long-sleeved white t-shirt, and his badge clipped to his belt. She was close this time, and he had long legs. Track, man, he'd run track in school. He had this.

[info]ex_apparitio856 in [info]repose

[Residences of the Manor, Batfamily+]

[Residents of the Manor]

Another construction crew is coming for further repairs in the morning.


Would someone care to explain where the submersible is?