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May 10th, 2016

[info]wheels in [info]repose

Nick & Wren: fortunes

Who: Nick & Wren
What: Carnival fortunes
When: Nowish

He was willing to bet whatever the Frenchwoman saw in the bottom of the tea-cup or the span of the cards, it didn't have shit on what Nick himself had dug out of a week in town, let alone a month )

[info]thefixer in [info]repose


answers on a post-card for the best fate received at the hands of townsfolk by unwanted reporters. it needn't have taken place yet, it might be reserved for the future heights of endeavors but i'm personally thinking something along the lines of bedpans and contents therein. perhaps the hospital could acquire a burning hot news story?

matt, cat (hello, you rhyme.) i'm minded to offer a reward (not the tippy-top shelf kind, but the close-as-almost kind) for the best one. keep tally when i'm not on shift?

oliver )

aubrey r )
louis d )
daniel w )
gwen r )

[info]beyondsense in [info]repose

Iris, Manning, Detectives: Police Station Log

Who: Iris, Manning, and police detectives
What: A revised statement about the egg hunt
Where: The Police Station
When: Fuzzy time, some recent morning
Warnings/Rating: Talk of injuries and violence

The new evidence would be added to the case and would be passed off to the prosecutor )

[info]beyondsense in [info]repose

Cris M, Sam A

[Fuzzy time, but after visiting the station to give a revised statement. The message comes mid- to late-morning, a hasty thought before she steps away to try to gather herself back together post-interview. A little hurried and a little detached because of it.]

I went in this morning to talk to Detective ____. With the whole story. She mentioned talking to your lawyer, so if you want that you can give them my number.

We're going to go watch cartoons and eat cereal so I might be slow to respond today.

I hope your vacation is going well. I didn't know how urgent talking to the lawyer might be, or I would have waited until you got back.