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Jul. 6th, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Peter Petrelli (future)
WHAT: Discussing the security system, the Gentlemen's attack, and various other issues that have been on Gabriel's mind.
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel; Lobby
WHEN: July 6th
STATUS: In Progress

It had taken Gabriel far longer than he liked to figure out what had gone wrong with the security system during the Gentlemen's attack. )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Who: Samantha and Gabriel (and Willow?)
What: Arrivals
Where: Hyperion Lobby
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG?
Status: incomplete

Read more... )

Jun. 29th, 2008


Silent night. Another silent night. In a city like Los Angeles, it was rare to have a night so quiet, even for the Gentlemen. Not that they were complaining. No, the Gentlemen and their pets were having a grand time. In a city so silent, they were never safer. Which was why they had waited so long to choose their targets. Seven lovely targets, seven lovely hearts, each one sweeter than the last. They were well protected, these lovelies, but patience indeed was a virtue, and one of their pets had discovered a crack in the defenses.

It was an hour past midnight when they flocked to the streets. Even the typical Los Angeles nightlife had quieted down, and so they were barely noticed. Seven men, in crisp black suits, with shoes polished to mirror-shine, gliding several inches off the ground, with over a dozen humanoid pets, each one wearing an unbound straight jacket and a full face mask. The Gentlemen glided down the street, their pets romping along beside them like obedient dogs. They drifted, one by one, wearing matching grins, into an old and condemned warehouse. The pets pulled apart the blockades, and the Gentlemen drifted purposefully into the sewers, moving unerringly under the city until they rose up again from the dank underground in the basement of their goal. The pets once again displayed their usefullness, pulling open the grates and the walls blocking the path, until they were, at last, within the walls that held their prizes.

The Hyperion Hotel. Home to seven lovely hearts, that would soon belong to them.

[ooc] )

Jun. 17th, 2008


Who: Charlie Andrews and Gabriel Gray
What: Checking up during a Truth Crisis
Where: Hyperion; Gabriel's room
When: after this
Rating: Likely G or PG
Status: incomplete

After seeing the post from Sarah that Gabriel might need some looking after, Charlie got to work. She headed straight down to the kitchen and quickly found the stash of Oreo cookies someone had hidden on an upper shelf, grabbed two cups and a quart of milk, and went up the stairs to Gabriel's room. Balancing the goodies on a tray in one hand (working as a waitress for so long did pay off in some ways), she knocked at the door.

"Gabriel? It's Charlie. Wanna open up?"

Jun. 9th, 2008


Who: Elaine Belloc, Peter Petrelli Evans (at the end of the quest) and everybody involved in the Duck Quest (Nathan, Claire, Giselle, Gabriel, Charlie, Sarah, etc)
What: Duck quest!
Where: Begins in the Hyperion, second room, then spreads across Los Angeles.
When: 8. Morning to... as long it takes!
Rating: G. C’mon, guys, if anyone gets in serious trouble, Elaine steps in for rating purposes. Demons will become puppies and kitties. No drama in fluff!
Status: In Progress
Note: Don’t forget the subject line because this will be a multithread. The first one being “meeting.” Amber isn’t around, so Giselle might wait to join the party.

When ducklings are involved. Witty text is not needed! )

Jun. 7th, 2008


who| Heidi Petrelli, Gabriel Gray and [OPEN]
what| Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! the Powers That Be. Least of all Heidi.
where| Begining in New York, New York, and concluding in Los Angeles.
when| Friday; Late afternoon/Early evening.
rating| TBA.
status| In progress.

In Heidi's defense, the e-mail wasn't cryptic at all. )

Jun. 6th, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Charlie Andrews; later Hiro Nakamura
WHAT: Gabriel happens across someone in need of assistance.
WHERE: The streets of LA; The Hyperion Hotel
WHEN: June 6th
STATUS: In Progress

Out of all of the people who would be safe on the streets of LA by himself, Gabriel wasn't exactly one of them. )

May. 13th, 2008


Who: Bizarro, Spike, and [open to Hyperion residents]
What: Spike makes an attempt to get into the Hyperion, but his attempt doesn't get very far thanks to Bizarro.
When: Evening.
Where: Just outside of the Hyperion.
Rating: TBD.

He didn't know many of the people who belonged in there and he probably never would get the chance to interact with half of them, and yet he still spent every waking moment of his time watching over them. )

May. 11th, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Nathan Petrelli
WHAT: Gabriel & Nathan are trying to find Peter and figure out what happened to him.
WHERE: Lobby of the Hyperion Hotel
WHEN: May 11th
STATUS: In Progress

There was very little that Gabriel could do in a situation like this. )

May. 9th, 2008


WHO: Nathan Petrelli, Gabriel Gray, Katara, Giselle and Elaine Belloc
WHERE: Kitchen of the Hyperion.
WHEN: Monday, May 9; lunchtime
WHAT: Nathan puts out a open invitation, hoping it will be taken up.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

His offer to make coffee for others in trade was well-intentioned, but not everyone would expect a 'mean cup of coffee' to actually resemble something like tar. )

Apr. 22nd, 2008


Minds like Machines

Who: Vader/Anakin (he's not quite sure) and Gabriel Gray
What: Tech talk
Where: MacArthur Park
When: after the duel with Jaina
Rating: PG
Status: Ongoing

Once he'd gotten back to the penthouse, he'd been in conflict with himself. The part of him that was Darth Vader was enraged, furious at leaving the Jedi behind without finishing her. The part that was Anakin Skywalker was enraged, furious at leaving his granddaughter in such a state. He tossed the lightsabers on the bed, and then stared at the thing he was still holding.

Jaina's hand.

He started to fling it aside, but then stopped and placed it gently upon a bookshelf before throwing his arms, kicking up a silent, and undignified tantrum as the warring parts of his psyche fought for dominance. In the end, he'd sat down, worn out, and asked for assistance. His arm needed repair.

A short time later, Anakin left the penthouse, picking up the lightsabers and attaching them to his belt before heading for MacArthur Park. He was Anakin now. For the moment. He knew his own arm needed repair. But Jaina needed a new limb. He could use Gabriel Gray's aid in constructing one for her. The rudimentary tools this planet possessed weren't suited to Anakin's needs and knowledge, but he felt confident that he would learn quickly how to make up for the inferior tools. He had always been good at adapting.

He found the spot he'd discussed with Gabriel, and waited.


Who: Giselle and Gabriel
When: Tuesday Morning
Where: Outside somewhere
Rating: Probably PG, come on, it's Giselle

Giselle was so glad that the sun had finally returned to Los Angeles, but at the same time it made her long for Andalasia. She could frolic in the fields there. There were no fields here, except for as Claire had explained to her, something called football fields and it was not the same. Some kind of sport was played on those, as Giselle now understood it.

She couldn't frolic in a field here, so instead she settled on going for a walk. It was a beautiful day. She smiled and greeted everyone she walked past, waving. She was met with a lot of dirty looks, but Giselle didn't care.

Apr. 20th, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Claire Bennet (future)
WHAT: When people are staying at the same place and their rooms are in the same hallway, they have a tendency to run into each other. No matter how awkward running into each other is.
WHERE: The Hyperion Hotel
WHEN: April 20th; Early Afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel Gray had been more than a bit turned around since he'd arrived here. )


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Veronica Mars
WHAT: Gabriel helps a hurting friend the only way he knows how: with comfort food and company.
WHERE: Veronica & Logan's room
WHEN: April 20th; Mid-Morning
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel had barely known how to comprehend what had happened to Veronica. )

Apr. 19th, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Mohinder Suresh
WHAT: Gabriel needs help and clarification from the people making his brain hurt.
WHERE: Where Mohinder's staying
WHEN: April 19th
STATUS: In Progress

There was only so much information that Gabriel could take in at a time. )


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Future!Peter Petrelli
WHAT: An unexpected meeting and a complicated discussion
WHERE: The LA streets & then a cafe.
WHEN: April 18th

Now that the chaos had finally settled, Gabriel felt no reason to keep himself inside. )

Apr. 8th, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Victor Mancha
WHAT: Gabriel happens across something (or rather, someone) that makes his brain feel like it's on fire.
WHERE: A cafe.
WHEN: April 8th; Late Afternoon
RATING: PG [for now]
STATUS: Complete

Gabriel had staked out a place in the cafe in order to work uninterrupted. )

Apr. 1st, 2008


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Veronica Mars
WHAT: A soggy arrival
WHERE: The Hyperion
WHEN: Early Tuesday Morning
RATING: PG [for now]
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel hated rain. )

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