October 28th, 2008

[info]ex_sinofthef307 in [info]parabolical

Who: Jared Nomak & Jenny Thornton
What: Jared’s treatment
When: Eight o’ clock appointment
Where: Jenny’s office
Rating: TBD

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea )

[info]walks_again in [info]parabolical

who| Nathan Petrelli and OPEN to everyone involved in Operation Birthday Office.
what| The unveiling of the office, and a good round of the warm-fuzzies for all.
when| Monday, October 27; Late Afternoon/Early Evening
where| The Hyperion; LA
rating| PG
status| Thread, Open, and Incomplete.
notes| This is alot of characters in one thread, I know, so I was thinking a good idea would be to go ahead and place, in the title of your reply, indicate if it's a direct response to Nathan's entrance (ie: 'Nathan' in the title bar), for anyone else involved(ie: 'Open' in the title bar'), or a specific character present (ie: 'Susie Sunshine' in the, you guessed it, title bar.). Alternatively, just jump in and enjoy the warm fuzzies.

Happy Birthday, Nathan Petrelli. )

[info]regenerating in [info]parabolical

WHO: f!Claire Bennet, Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle
WHERE: the Roadhouse
WHEN: after this
WHAT: Getting drunk after the fangirl prank to top the gorilla prank goes angsty (the icon is wise)
STATUS: thread; in-progress

In planning, it had been a hilarious prank )

[info]frostandsnow in [info]parabolical

Who: Sam Winchester and Ruby
What: Sam's pissed and wants to kill things, Ruby...is cool with this
Where: Sam's hotel room then streets
When: After the epic pranking
Rating: PG 13 for angry!sam and killing things
Status: In Progress

[info]some_kinda_hero in [info]parabolical

Shopaholic not

WHO: Sylar Gabe & Claire Bennet.
WHAT: Bonding, shopping.
WHEN: After their graffit talk.
WHERE: The mall, other?
RATING: PG for now.
STATUS: In progress...

Only few can sing like lions 'cause we sing until we're gone and we’ve got each others backs until we're back where we belong. )

[info]walks_again in [info]parabolical

who| Heidi and Nathan Petrelli
what| Birthday gifts, continued.
where| The Hyperion; LA
when| October 27; Evening
rating| TBA
status| Thread; In-progress and incomplete.

Brown paper packages tied up with string. )

[info]decembervision in [info]parabolical

The Isis Costume Party

Who: Lexmas!Lana and OPEN to multiple threads (and only those who aren't going to cause big trouble)
What: Party! And also, charity.
Where: The ballroom of Lana's mansion.
When: Various times from about 7:30pm until 10:15pm.
Rating: Hard to say, but not high as far as violence or sexuality. Language is questionable, but maybe people will watch it around the kids there.
Note: Please wait until I have the four threads up to tag into this. It's just a general opening. Tagging is a go!

The ballroom... )

[info]hislight in [info]parabolical

Who: Julian and Jenny
What: Returning from the Shadow World
Where: More Games Storehouse
When: Day After the Apocalypse Ended
Status: Ongoing
Rating: TBD

I swear I am playing of my own free will. )

[info]likemapquest in [info]parabolical

Who: Molly Walker and ___
What: Molly's avoiding sleep like the plague, so she wonders into the lobby, Tenderheart Carebear in tow.
When: After Nathan brings her to the hotel, night time.
Where:Rating: PG-13 depending on who posts and what language they use; she's eight, it's tame guys.

If I try to save him/My whole world would cave in/It's just not right. )

[info]alittlebizarre in [info]parabolical

Who: Bizarro and Chris.
What: A confrontation.
When: Evening.
Where: Uptown.
Rating: TBD.

Maybe they would just stand in place and accept their fates. )

[info]raheta in [info]parabolical

WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: Researching.
WHEN: Tonight.
WHERE: Heather's place.
STATUS: Incomplete.

I'd rather be reading The Cat In The Hat. )

January 2010



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