August 7th, 2008

[info]justaprettygirl in [info]parabolical

Who: Seth Nightlord & Open.
What: Spying & getting information about vampire habits and their hunters. Selling flowers. What else?
When: Late at night.
Where: Outside a vampire bar, rough side of the town.
Rating: TBD? Possible violence.
Status: Open.

Little Girl Lost she was not )

[info]slayerbee in [info]parabolical

WHO: Buffy & Spike.
WHAT: A getaway.
WHEN: Later on tonight, after they're both done with their rescue-centered duties.
WHERE: Spike's new place.
STATUS: Incomplete.

She wasn't feeling up to playing the black sheep right now. )

[info]not_occult in [info]parabolical

who| Aziraphale, Crowley, and Elaine
what| The Next-To-Across-From-And-Three-Doors-Down-From-The Last Luncheon
where| Restraunt Random McFancy; LA.
when| Sometime shortly after this graffitti exchange.
rating| TBA
status| Thread; In progress

Aziraphale had tittered for fifteen full minutes before he'd made it out the door. )

[info]crossyourpath in [info]parabolical

WHO: Black Cat, the expected following Spiderman and any at W&H
WHAT: Attempting to Retriveve an Orb
WHERE: Wolfram and Hart
WHEN: After she contacts Angel Investigations
STATUS: Incomplete

[info]dealing_death in [info]parabolical

Who: Selene (open)
Where: The Huntington
Why: Fulfilling social obligations with a dear old friend.
When: 9:00pm-ish
Status: Complete
Rating: R: I think this might get violent. Cover your eyes kids!

((OOC: As I play Selene she is post-Evolution. There is no one left of her coven and the humans that helped run their company Ziodex pretty much just took it over without the Elders or Regents to stop them. Selene cares very little for diplomatic entanglements and has no desire to run a business. So, Dr. Miller, a doctor and board member at Ziodex secured her ownership of St. Vibiana’s and money to live on. He has invited her out to The Huntington to see Allan Sekula’s display on it’s premier night.))

...Metamorphosis... )

[info]its_buttery in [info]parabolical

Who:Bridge and open to Hyperion residents [anyone in the lobby]
What:He's trying to find a center and gets a vision instead!
When:During the chaos
Where:The lobby
warnings:who knows.
He could hear her voice but he couldn't reach her.  )

[info]patientlykira in [info]parabolical

Who: Kira Ford, those invited, and anyone who might actually show up at a jazz club on Amateur Night.
What: Kira performs and some friends come to support her.
Where: A jazz club.
When: Around 10pm Friday night.
Rating/Warnings: TBD. I doubt Kira and Sam are going to get into it this night, though.
Status: In progress.
Note: Please read this first.

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[info]withmybrain in [info]parabolical

who| River and Simon Tam
what| A sibling reuinion.
where| LA.
when| Afternoon
rating| TBA; Probably in the PG area.
status| Thread; in-progress

Feel that sunshine, telling you to hold tight; things will be alright. )

[info]suicide_messiah in [info]parabolical

Who: Minato Arisato and OPEN
What: Minato looks for an airport
When: Tonight
Where: A random street
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

He was obviously not in Japan anymore )

[info]piercingfears in [info]parabolical

Who: Amy Pierce;OPEN
What: Running out of a burning building to find herself more than a century in the future.
Where: A random street.
When: Night.
Rating/Warnings: R.L. Stine, the guy who writes kiddie horror. Figure it out.
Status: In progress.

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[info]ofbothworlds in [info]parabolical

Who: Miley Stewart (as Hannah Montana), an NPC!Vampire and OTA
When: August 7, 11:30 pm
Where: Downtown
What: Miley's arrival, being convinced she's been Punk'd, only to be attacked by a vampire
Rating: PG

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[info]babysolo in [info]parabolical

WHO: Amelia Solo and OPEN
WHAT: Angel Investigations gets a new member.
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: Lobby of the Hyperion Hotel
STATUS: In Progress

Another Jedi joins the ranks. )

January 2010



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