July 15th, 2008

[info]robinindahood in [info]parabolical

Who: Jack Landors and Lindsey Mcdonald
What:despite his better judgment, he's going stir crazy and takes a run and patrols the city to clear his head.
When:Tuesday evening just as the sun goes down.
Where: The city

good and bad, everyone had a story.. )

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]parabolical

Who: Demon!Sam and Jo.
What: Someone's going to hell. Literally.
When: Right after the Willow!rescue thread.
Where: Forest, just near the neighborhood Willow was held captive in.
Rating: There's probably going to be an exorcism. So pretty high, considering.
Status: In progress.

Run, run, run. )

[info]ragin_canuck in [info]parabolical

Who: Logan, Marie, Cordy and Kathy
What: A long awaited shopping spree.
Where: The mall
When: Early afternoon.
Rating: PG.. though it may get worse given his language.
Status: in progress

Logan hadn't seen Cordelia in a few days, giving her time to adjust and settle in. But now, she's had enough time, which was code for he missed her without saying it. Then he remembered his promise to Marie and grinned. Neither of them would say no to shopping, that he knew for a fact.

Leaving his room he went down the hall to Marie's door and knocked.

[info]born_perfect in [info]parabolical

Who: Drake, Lindsey McDonald & Charlie McGee
What: A possible business opportunity
Where: Wolfram & Hart
When: Noonish
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress

A meeting )

[info]thebigbad in [info]parabolical

Who: Buffy and Spike.
What: Patrolling.
When: Evening, obviously.
Where: Stars in Hyperion lobby, but will lead into L.A. streets.
Rating: PG-13, at least. Spike likes his language.
Status: In progress.

Sure, there were superheroes and ability ridden people that had been thrust into the area, but Spike found that there probably wasn't anyone else in the world that he'd prefer to take out on a patrol with him. )

[info]blueflames in [info]parabolical

WHO: Azula and who else? OPEN.
WHAT: The Fire Lord's daughter meets Los Angeles.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: City streets. Not the nicest of areas.
WARNINGS?: None as yet.
PROGRESS: Incomplete.

headaches, confusion, and world domination... they mix well, right? )
Tags: ,

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]parabolical

Who: Clark Kent and [open to all]
What: New journalism job in the city? Check. Making an idiot out of himself? In progress.
When: Late afternoon.
Where: Midtown.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

That was the thing about being around people. He always had to be careful. )

January 2010



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