June 10th, 2008

[info]_mayday in [info]parabolical

Who: May/Spider-Girl and Spider-Man
What: New arrival in L.A.
When: Early morning
Where: Outside a Hotel
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete, open

Time to get her butt to school. On the plus side, if she went there now, she'd be years early for class. )

[info]thebigbad in [info]parabolical

Who: Spike and OTA.
What: Patrolling.
When: Late evening.
Where: Streets.
Rating: TBD.

The unforgettable image of himself taking hold of the cross and begging god for mercy as it charred his skin was something that he couldn't help but think about. )
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[info]oracleinpink in [info]parabolical

Who: Max and Xander
What: Video games!
When: June 10th
Where: Xander's room, Hyperion Hotel
Rating: PG-13?

A little bit of Batman's definitely rubbed off... )

[info]missingmonument in [info]parabolical

Who: Carmen Sandiego and Lucifer
What: Check and mate
When: June 10th
Where: The Lux
Rating: PG-13

The Lux. Carmen looked up at the sign above the door before walking into the club. Her familiar red trench was slung over her arm and at six foot one in heels, she made for an impressing form as she walked through the door. For someone who despised Los Angeles and Hollywood the way she did, she certainly very much looked the part of a golden age star. With no capers planned for the day, she was free to don her preferred skirt and blouse. Her dark hair fell down her back, bouncing nicely with each step she took.

"Carmen Sandiego," she said to the man at the door as Lucifer Morningstar had instructed her to do.

As the Devil had instructed her to do. Honestly, the thought was still making her slightly giddy, and Carmen was not a woman to become giddy very often. She smiled contently when the man let her through and she walked in.

She could only imagine that Lucifer would look less like the image in the Devil's Bible she'd once stolen from Stockholm, and more like a normal person. One capable of using a computer at least. She sat down at a table, requesting only water when drink was offered. She wanted her mind at its sharpest for this particularly momentous occasion.

[info]no_savior in [info]parabolical

Who: Peter Petrelli (featuring Katara and Zuko)
What: Katara's final message
Where: Hyperion, Peter's room
When: Now
Rating: T for Tear-inducing.
Status: closed; complete
Notes: Video narrative supplied by QueenC.

He'd found it a few days ago, tucked innocently on the bookshelf in the lobby among the dime-store novels and romances. Just a simple casette, with the words, "For Angel Investigations" written in Katara's neat handwriting. It had taken some time before he'd gotten the opportunity to watch it, but now his room was empty, Nathan and others seeming to have vanished for a while, and he took the opportunity to plug in the video and watch. )

[info]countdracula in [info]parabolical

WHO: The Stranger, OPEN (12-15 slots)
WHAT: Charity Ball
WHEN: Night.
WHERE: The Grand Ballroom
STATUS: Incomplete

...the dance to feed the masses. )
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[info]st_monica in [info]parabolical

Who: Monica Dawson and OTA
When: June 10, early morning
Where: Downtown
What: Monica arrives, and is in a desperate search for Niki and Micah
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBA

Does anyone really read these cuts? )

[info]atouchthatkills in [info]parabolical

WHO: Rogue (Closed; Narrative)
WHAT: Her arrival in L.A.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: Random street
RATING: Kid-friendly
STATUS: Complete

A quick glance behind her confirmed that the mansion, also, was missing. )

January 2010



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