May 28th, 2008

[info]sonofajackal in [info]parabolical

Who: Damien
When: Early afternoon
Where: Sunset Tower Hotel
What: Giving his minion a gift
Rating: R (though it may be NC-17 at this rate)
Warnings: Mild slash, innuendo.. ohh, heck with it, they end up naughty!
Status: Complete


The boy's obedience is rewarded.. with a new room. )

[info]desertexile in [info]parabolical

The Force of Coincidence

Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi [Narrative]
What: Arrives in L.A.
Where: Tatooine, then near the Riverside Homeless Shelter
When: After midnight
Rating: PG


Desert nights on Tatooine were cruel. Sand storms picked up unexpectedly and threatened any creature lacking shelter or thick reptilian skin. Off in the distance, easily heard by those living on the outskirts, were the cries of Tusken Raiders moving their settlements. And the lights of a Jawa transport flickered, quickly becoming unnoticeable because of the wind and dust.

Sometimes, on a clear afternoon, Obi-Wan could make out the shape of the Lars homestead from a tall dune not far from his hidden abode. It was from this distance that he kept a close eye on the moisture farm. Owen would be furious to know that after two years he was still surveying the area to ensure safety for the Lars family and the young toddler they were raising, but Obi-Wan had made a promise. A promise and an oath. And no number of arguments with Owen Lars would stop him from protecting the small boy he'd left in their care. Even if he did know that the man was constantly berating him as a crazy old hermit who lived an unsafe distance from any major city.

Maybe he was right. It had been a long time since Obi-Wan had kept the company of others. He wasn't completely disconnected from the galaxy, but he was impressively isolated. Considered dead to the Empire and the eccentric desert wanderer Ben Kenobi to those who knew of him in the area. But that wasn't many people. In fact, aside from Owen Lars and Yoda (who was halfway across the galaxy,) Obi-Wan had ceased to exist.

But that's what exile was all about.
Great patience must you have. )

[info]desertexile in [info]parabolical

A Strange New World

Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Diana Prince [Open To All]
What: Acquaints himself with L.A.
Where: Park not far from the Riverside Shelter
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG


The old man was right. The Riverside Shelter did have the best soup in L.A. (Which Obi-Wan quickly learned to be the name of his new location.) Actually, Obi-Wan had to mentally admit that the soup was the best he'd had since moving out to the outer rim. Not that this should have been any big surprise. He never had been one for culinary expertise. He could cook enough to survive but his meals definitely weren't worth living for. It was a nice change of pace.

He must have made an impression on those who ran the charitable establishment, also, because they offered him a job. Or maybe they just pitied him. He hadn't considered how he might appear to these strangers. Another lost member of the community in peculiar garb. The old man from the night before mentioned numerous times how Obi-Wan must have been a foreigner. Was it so obvious? It was odd that they didn't recognize the robes as anything more than ... a 'cool' cloak. As many of the homeless soup eaters had commented.
A Jedi being offered a job at a soup kitchen was an oddity. )

[info]onceasith in [info]parabolical

Who: Anakin Skywalker (closed)
What: A familiar presence
Where: his penthouse apartment
When: Afternoon
Rating: G

The crystals were difficult enough to locate on this planet, in any color. )

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]parabolical

Who: Sam Winchester and [open].
What: Sam is attempting to get some information out of a demon. Expect an exorcism.
When: Evening.
Where: Behind some bar.
Rating: There will be violence and language. Not sure if the rating will be higher than PG-13 yet.

I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? )

[info]rubikscomplex in [info]parabolical

1 Margarita, 2 Margarita, 3 Margarita, Floor?

Who: House, Addison Montgomery
What: Drink, drink, drink
Where: Blue Banana Bar
When: 10:13 p.m.
Rating: PG13


The funny thing about drugs is that eventually they wear off.

Except for House's stash of Vicodin, which seemed to be infinite. He always had some of those lovely little pills in his pockets. Stashed away at home. Hidden in boxes under his bed. In his underwear drawer. His book on lupus. It's never lupus.

But hallucinogens? Acid? That wears off after some time. Eventually. And by his third night at the Motel 6, House felt reasonably reassured that he was no longer imagining all of this business about Los Angeles. Even he couldn't remain in a drug induced state that long. He wished he could, but he wasn't that fortunate.
Never thought I'd miss being in Jersey. )

[info]ex_cordychas618 in [info]parabolical

WHO: Cordelia Chase and Greg House
WHAT: A meeting, surreptitiously set-up by the PTB.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: A random park to start with
STATUS: In Progress

Cordelia and House. The anti-OTP... )

January 2010



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