April 22nd, 2008

[info]boy_scout in [info]parabolical

Who: Clark [open]
What: Enjoying the sunrise
When: Morning
Where: Hyperion Hotel
Rating: TBD
Note: Multiple threading is so very welcomed. :)


There was at least one Kryptonian that was getting all their power back.. )

[info]notsobright in [info]parabolical

Who: Edward and Giselle
What: Reunion! Singing!
When: After Giselle's return
Where: the Hyperion
Rating: PG, and unlikely to get higher. It's Giselle and Edward, after all.

Peter had given him a lot to think about, even for Edward. Talking about having more than one love -- it didn't sound possible! But then, this world was very strange, with its metal car-beasts and the sun that seemed to vanish for days on end, and those very strange people who burst into clouds of dust when dispatched.

But all of that paled in significance to the door he stood outside now. Giselle's door. His beloved, his beautiful, gentle, lovely Giselle. Peter had told him not to upset her, but how could he? He would sooner tear out his own heart than cause her the least bit of distress.

Taking a breath, he knocked on the door.

[info]saxonparadox in [info]parabolical

Who: Lucy & Open to any Who-verse women
What: Coffee, questions and answers
When: Mid Morning Tuesday
Where: Starbucks
Rating: PG at most

I'll have a French Vanilla Frappuccino iced please. )

[info]princesstobe in [info]parabolical

Who: Giselle and Gabriel
When: Tuesday Morning
Where: Outside somewhere
Rating: Probably PG, come on, it's Giselle

Giselle was so glad that the sun had finally returned to Los Angeles, but at the same time it made her long for Andalasia. She could frolic in the fields there. There were no fields here, except for as Claire had explained to her, something called football fields and it was not the same. Some kind of sport was played on those, as Giselle now understood it.

She couldn't frolic in a field here, so instead she settled on going for a walk. It was a beautiful day. She smiled and greeted everyone she walked past, waving. She was met with a lot of dirty looks, but Giselle didn't care.

[info]alittlebizarre in [info]parabolical

Who: Bizarro and OTA.
What: After dropping Chloe off at the Hyperion, he's trying to understand exactly as to why he was motivated to do so in the first place.
Where: L.A streets.
When: Afternoon.
Rating: TBD.

He was starting to be all talk and no walk. )

[info]ex_middlechi142 in [info]parabolical

Who: Dominique and OTA.
When: Night fall.
Where: A random food court.
What: Annoyed with everyone trying to tell her what to do. Causing a little mischief?
Rating: TBA.

To live & not to breathe is to die in tragedy. )

[info]n0te_to_self in [info]parabolical

Who: Maximum AND OPEN
What: Rocky landing and arrival in LA
When: Late afternoon
Where: A deserted alleyway downtown
Rating: PG, and probably will not go up

[info]_cullen in [info]parabolical

Who: Edward Cullen, Bella Swan
Where: Some cafe
When: Tuesday evening, after dark

he couldn't help but think what a difference two years had made )

[info]devil_eyes in [info]parabolical

Who: Michael and OPEN to anybody who can deal with him.
What: Somebody doesn’t seem very friendly…
When: Sunset
Where: A random street, outside of a random building.
Rating: PG-13 for now

It wasn’t smart to approach a crazy person with a carving knife  )

[info]thegentleone in [info]parabolical

WHO: Susan Pevensie & OPEN.
WHAT: Susan arrives in a very funky Narnia L.A.
WHEN: April 22nd, Evening.
WHERE: Somewhere in L.A.
RATING/PROGRESS: G for now / In-progress.

Something was very wrong. )

[info]onceasith in [info]parabolical

Chosen and Sword

Who: Darth Vader and Jaina Solo (brief appearance by Anakin Skywalker)
What: Talk of redemption, exchange a few insults, and Jaina follows in a certain family tradition
Where: Seashore
When: Sunset
Rating: R for violence

He stood at the water's edge, the black robe wrapped around him, the hood shielding his face. The water was calm, beautiful. He loved the water. It had frightened him, to see it for the first time on the planet of Naboo. How could so much water exist in one place? After knowing nothing but the barren, sandy wastelands of Tatooine, he hadn't known what to think of it. But when Padmé had poured a handful of the cool, clear liquid over his hand, he had laughed at the feeling of it, and she had smiled in that full, brilliant way of hers, and he'd known that he loved water.

Their wedding has also been on the shore. On that same, sacred bank where they had shared their first, stolen kiss. Water was soft and silken and forgiving.

Vader shut his eyes, his cybernetic hand closing around a stone and crushing it to sand. Water. Sand. Was there nothing in the universe that wouldn't bring some memory of her? )

[info]ex_jainasolo771 in [info]parabolical

Who: Jaina and Jacen Solo (possibly Han, as well)
What: Jaina's in trouble, so it's her twin to the rescue. As usual.
When: Right after this.
Where: The beach, to start with
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

What in the Nine Moons had she been thinking... )

[info]onceasith in [info]parabolical

Minds like Machines

Who: Vader/Anakin (he's not quite sure) and Gabriel Gray
What: Tech talk
Where: MacArthur Park
When: after the duel with Jaina
Rating: PG
Status: Ongoing

Once he'd gotten back to the penthouse, he'd been in conflict with himself. The part of him that was Darth Vader was enraged, furious at leaving the Jedi behind without finishing her. The part that was Anakin Skywalker was enraged, furious at leaving his granddaughter in such a state. He tossed the lightsabers on the bed, and then stared at the thing he was still holding.

Jaina's hand.

He started to fling it aside, but then stopped and placed it gently upon a bookshelf before throwing his arms, kicking up a silent, and undignified tantrum as the warring parts of his psyche fought for dominance. In the end, he'd sat down, worn out, and asked for assistance. His arm needed repair.

A short time later, Anakin left the penthouse, picking up the lightsabers and attaching them to his belt before heading for MacArthur Park. He was Anakin now. For the moment. He knew his own arm needed repair. But Jaina needed a new limb. He could use Gabriel Gray's aid in constructing one for her. The rudimentary tools this planet possessed weren't suited to Anakin's needs and knowledge, but he felt confident that he would learn quickly how to make up for the inferior tools. He had always been good at adapting.

He found the spot he'd discussed with Gabriel, and waited.

[info]okeydokey in [info]parabolical

Who: Ianto Jones and Harold Saxon.
What: Meeting.
Where: The Master's residence.
When: April 18. After this conversation.
Rating: TBD. Probably a bit high.
Status: Started.

Ianto approached the address that Saxon had given him with no small amount of trepidation. Rain was still falling, only adding to his dark mood. His gun was tucked into his jacket within easy reach, just in case, but he didn't know if that would be enough. He didn't trust the other man at all, especially not with the way everyone was reacting to him, and if he had Jack...the Jack Ianto knew...then he couldn't let his captain remain there. He hadn't told Jack where he was going, not wanting things to be awkward with the older man. He cared about him, yes, but that wasn't the Jack he had a relationship with. Not really.

Reaching the politician's place, he fought the urge to leave and not come back, knowing that would do nothing to help his captain. One hand clenched at his side, he sent a quick message to Owen and then raised the other and knocked on the door.

January 2010



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