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Apr. 13th, 2014


Who: Amadeus and Zinda
When: While Babs is in the hospital
Where: Zinda's place
What: Temporarily staying with her
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

It figured. He'd finally found something close to a home, but once again someone tried to kill them. )

Apr. 10th, 2014


WHO: Zinda and Babs
What: Hospital visit
When: March 31st (backdated after
Where: Hospital

She parked herself in the empty chair and propped her feet up on a bare spot on her bed. )

Mar. 30th, 2014


Who: Winter Soldier, Oracle, Amadeus Cho (others to be added once known)
What: Winter Soldier is going to take down Oracle
Where: Oracle's tower
When: Forwarded dated to tonight, March 30
Status: In Progress
Rating: On the medium side, update as needed.

No one survives the Winter unless I allow it )

Mar. 29th, 2014


Who: Zinda and Natasha
What: Nick ordered Nat to fill Zinda in on Winter Soldier. Interesting is an understatement for this conversation.
When: March 27th
Where: Seedy bar in NY

Nothing she couldn't handle. )

Mar. 10th, 2014


Thread: Zinda Blake, Nick Fury, Open

Who: Zinda, Nick, and Open if you have a character that could have been there.
What: After mission celebrations!
When: Mid 1942
Where: Somewheres in France.
Note: I know there's only like four characters in game that could potentially be there, but we can still treat it as a party thread so people can mingle?

Read more... )

Feb. 28th, 2014


Who: Zinda and Jemma
When: February 28th morning; roughly 36 hours after the big fight.
What: Zinda's free, Jemma decides to meet her.
Where: Outside holding facility outside NYC

There wasn't much news to be had sitting in a cell. )

Feb. 19th, 2014


Thread: Zinda Blake, Maria Hill.

Who: Zinda Blake, Maria Hill, anyone else that'd be there observing
What: Interrogation
When: February 19
Where: Undisclosed Shield holding facility

She answered the door but couldn’t help but try to seem unbothered that this was how things were going. She had expected it, but she couldn't help but feel a tad betrayed that it was. 'Well, isn't this overkill, boys? I woulda met ya somewhere for this date if you’d called.' )

Jan. 16th, 2014


Thread: Zinda, Fitzsimmons, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury

Who: Zinda Blake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury
What: Zinda is found, unconscious and brought into SHIELD medical decades after the blast that caused the accident.
When: December 4, 1947 and then January 5, 2010 (Backdated!)
Where: Ministro Rivadavia, Argentina; SHIELD Headquarters
Note: Yes, this is take two for this.

By the sounds in the room she’d guessed there was only a couple people in there with her. Well, they were about to find out straight on how shitty of an idea that was. )

Jan. 6th, 2014


Narrative or Open if you can think of a reason for your character to be there.

Who: Zinda
What: Hanging out with the guys
When: January 2nd backdated
Where: VA nursing home (NYC)

The last of a dying breed. )

Dec. 15th, 2013


Who: Barbara and Zinda
When: December16
What: Hanging out
Where: Babs.

Zinda often forgot to charge her phone. )

Oct. 25th, 2013


Who: Ted (OPEN)
When: October 25th
Where: The JLI Apartment Complex
What: It's the most happy time of the year! AKA Almost Halloween. AKA Ted is decorating.
Rating: G

Ted was a little *excited* about Halloween this year, oh yes he was. )

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: Rose Wilson, Raven, OTA anyone else who might frequent The Brothel...
When: Late 1800s ish
Where: Wild West! Junction City
What: General brothel stuff. Feel free to jump in on this thread if your character might or want to have any interactions at The Brothel... (We won't judge...)
Rating: High. It's set in a brothel. Potential for seedy people, sex, violence, and language is high. Plus, Tarot Card readings and all the gossip you can handle. Giddy up!

Shady dealings inside... )

Mar. 17th, 2013


Thread: Zinda Blake and Barbara Gordan

Who: Lady Blackhawk and Batgirl
What: Adventures on Blackhawk Island.
When: March 15
Where: Blackhawk Island

'Need anymore time?' )

Mar. 8th, 2013


Log: Zinda and Dinah

Who: Zinda Blake, Dinah Lance
What: Zinda gets an offer she can’t refuse-- which is to come be the driver/pilot for a couple of vigilantes who have found themselves in need of someone who can fly a plane. Or helicopter. Or limo. And shoot things. And is a badass. Zinda’s their lady.
Where: A seedy dive bar in New York City
When: September 2010

She could out-drink, out-shoot, out-fly and out-match just about any person who went up against her; which made her just the person that the Birds of Prey (all two of them) needed on their side. )

Feb. 24th, 2013


Who: Zinda and Barbara
What: Zinda has a favor to ask
When: February 24
Where: Clocktower

Zinda didn't make it a habit of just dropping by, and when she did, normally she at least had food. )

Jan. 24th, 2013


Thread: Zinda Blake and Dinah Lance

Who: Zinda and Dinah
When: January 23rd After this
Where: Gotham
What: Phone call.

She sat down in her chair, pulled out her phone and dialed Dinah's number. )

Jan. 18th, 2013


Thread: Zinda Blake and Big Barda

Who: Zinda and Barda
Where: Gotham City bar
What: Drinking!
When: January 18th

Read more... )

Jan. 4th, 2013


Who: Hal Jordan & Zinda Blake
When: January 5, 2013
Where: Airfield outside NYC
What: Hal falls in love for the first time and it is horrible
Rating: PG

Hal had been bested )

Dec. 19th, 2012


Who: Birds of Prey
Where: Abandoned Warehouse - Atlantic City, NJ
When: 12/20 (fwddated)
What: The Birds take down a cult planning an attack on the superhero community.
Rating: SFW

People could be just as powerful as superhumans. People could take their own world back. )

Dec. 9th, 2012


Who: Zinda Blake and Steve Rogers
What: The rescue of the remains of Jim Hammond
When: December 9
Where: Argentina
Notes: Started in gdoc, finish in comments

Zinda knew she had a tendency toward daredevil heroics, which was why she didn’t mind following orders provided they were handed out by someone she could respect. )

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