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September 25th, 2012

[info]ex_captainco884 in [info]newalliance

Who: Maria Hill ("Robin") & Len Snart
What: Is it really a one night stand if it happens twice and it's in the morning?
Where: Gotham City, NJ
When: Thursday, Sept 20, early evening [backdated]
Rating: R for language and implied sexual situations

The sun was setting-- which meant it was time for all the dark things to wake )

[info]coolestguyever in [info]newalliance

Who: Guy Gardner & Open to Ted Kord, Michael Jon Carter, Tora Olafsdotter, Bea da Costa & Jennie-Lynn Hayden
When: Sept. 24th, 2012
Where: Guy's New Apartment!
What: Guy is moving in. Well, there goes the neighborhood.
Rating: R? Language, children, language!

He didn't think his new landlord had called his old one. Or maybe he did and Guy's generous offer of a few free drinks every now and then was incentive enough not to care. )

[info]_bartallen in [info]newalliance

Who: Bart Allen, The Rogues
What: Bart has a problem and needs advice. Unfortunately all of his male role models are MIA.
Where: The Rogue's Bar, NYC, NY
When: Wednesday, Sept 26th
Rating: PG-13 - R

OK Guys, I need your help! )

[info]razzle_dazzle in [info]newalliance

Doing the Math

Who: Jubilation Lee, Peter Parker
NPCs: Aunt Hope
Where: Jubilee's new home two floors up from Peter's.
When: September 25, after supper.
What: Okay, so, like, Jubilee was pulled out of the Xavier school by her over-protective aunt? And she's like a total control freak, okay, so, now she's going to a normal school, and like, totally sucks at math, so her Aunt Hope and Aunt May are friends in the same building probably from some stupid bingo night or something, and they totally talk about their niece and nephew way too much, and so, like, Aunt May said Peter was good at math, and next thing you know to prevent Jubilee from getting bad grades she totally has to deal with this wallflower who clearly has no life and nothing better to do cuz he's a tutor and he shows up and well, there you go.
Rating: PG prolly, these kids don't tend to curse.

Solve for: Y-me?! )