April 2018



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2nd Mar, 2018


To all the “Pink” & Uplift Supporters:

Thank you to everyone who showed up at the Kenmare match. It was refreshing to see such a presence in stands. Rest assured we plan to keep this momentum going.

We are here. And we are not going away.

In taking a cue from Kenmare presence at their match, I would like to formally request that Montrose considers a uniform alteration as a statement of unity. After the Falmouth incident, we cannot afford to be silent.

As you know, I have been at the forefront of this movement. What I am asking for now is for Montrose to publicly show unity and support for those with muggle heritage and their loved ones.

Please stand with me. Let us all come out against Wigtown in black, white, and pink.

And as I ask you to stand with me, I also realize that Maddock’s injury was unexpected. Although I had requested to be rested the week before the Annual Broom Race, please have no doubt that Montrose comes first.

I am fully prepared to start against Wigtown. I am ready to change, and even cancel, my Annual Broom Race plans. Please just keep me updated.

1st Mar, 2018


1st March

I know I live in Scotland now but...

IT'S SAINT DAVID'S DAY!! And I'm cracking open my box of wine for the occasion.

Also, technically the first day of Spring, even though it's freezing.

I don't know where to start with this, so bear with me. If Cecil is around [...] he might find this odd if he reads it. I met someone who looks exactly like him. Not a passing similarity on a quick glance but I actually thought Cecil was at the Montrose match. It was [...] Eerie. I got all flustered and swore in Welsh.

I think I might have been on a date this morning and I'm blaming you.

28th Feb, 2018


[Magpie players + Gregor]
I have a proposition for all of you. Stop what you're doing immediately, this is more important.

As some of you may know, I lost my last girlfriend in the wilds of Canada during my holiday by the sea a few years back. Dinna fash, I'm fine, it's onward and upward for Angus Campbell. The trouble is now I've come back from that I'm getting a bit long in the tooth, I live on a wee island, and for various reasons I've not been in the dating game lately. Reckon I need a wee bit of help.

I'm going to need each one of you to set me up with a woman during the next month. I dinnae have many criteria except that she should be female, single, relatively age-appropriate, not affiliated with Portree, and not deathly bored by Quid. If she should happen to be Scottish, lovely, appreciates the outdoors and the sea, and has a flush account at Gringotts, so much the better.

All right, all of ye have your assignments. Operation Forward March is go.

27th Feb, 2018


Good News: I've been cleared by the Healers to return to the pitch.
Bad News: Due to others' injuries, hockey might be delayed. If we run out of the season of ice, I'm sure we can come up with some sort of work around. Like maybe socks on freshly waxed wood floors.


So I got ejected immediately no warning and Fuckface Flint can foul 3 times with just warnings? Seems logical.

You alright?

25th Feb, 2018


Owl deliveries for Lennox, Maddock, MG, and Roger )

24th Feb, 2018


IC/OOC: Puddlemere United (4-3-1) versus Montrose Magpies (8-0-0)

Puddlemere United (4-3-1 0.500) versus Montrose Magpies (8-0-0 1.000)
Play Started:2000-02-24 at Exmoor
Snitch caught in : 4 hours, 6 minutes
Puddlemere United : 170
Montrose Magpies : 220
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
Are they allowed to DO that? )

15th Feb, 2018


Is there anything more intensely satisfying (or romantic) than watching Celtic beat the Rangers?

If your answer is anything other than no, then you're wrong, and I will duel you over this.

Happy Valentine's Day to me!


I have an idea for Fraser's birthday, but I'm pretty sure I need your help to pull it off.

14th Feb, 2018


I don't know when or how Waffle ordered this box of Honeydukes fudge for me. But I appreciate it.

Happy Valentines Day, Everyone! X

11th Feb, 2018


IC/OOC: Montrose Magpies (7-0-0) versus Chudley Cannons (0-7-0)

Montrose Magpies (7-0-0 1.000) versus Chudley Cannons (0-7-0 0.000)
Play Started:2000-02-11 at Scottish National (The Lamb)
Snitch caught in : 0 hours, 38 minutes
Montrose Magpies : 340
Chudley Cannons : 0
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
First shutout since ... Chudley and somebody, I'm sure... )

5th Feb, 2018


Can't say that I recommend finding yourself cursed, but, if you're into that sort of thing, who am I to judge?

Guess I can cross that off the list of Things I Never Expected to Happen in My Lifetime.

Admittedly, it's not a very good list.

I'm fine. I'll be fine. I've survived worse.


Surprise! I'm awake now.

How are you holding up? Fraser told me they kept you overnight. Speaking of, how do I convince your cousin that he needs to go home and sleep in his own bed?

I'm so sorry about all of this.

6th Feb, 2018


WHO: Montrose players, staff, invited volunteers (Fraser + NPCs)
WHAT: IC/OOC Endurance Challenge - A 24h Match
WHEN: Monday Feb 5th - Tuesday Feb 6th (+Brunch on 7th)
WHERE: Their stadium, where else?
WARNINGS: Excessiveness

The Great Montrose Endurance Match )

1st Feb, 2018


Birthday IC/OOC

Who? Friends, Montrose+.
What? Ro's Birthday
When? Thursday, 1st February 2000
Where? The Neptune (Pub, Montrose)
Rating? Who knows? Definitely drinking, probably shenanigans.

30th Jan, 2018


Who: Roger Davies, Cecil Winterberry (ghost), Ainsley Galbraith
What: Wherein our intrepid adventurers explore the wilds of the Isle of the Roe Deer
When: 13 January 2000
Where: Raasay, Scotland
Warnings: Blatant NPC Abuse/Ghostly Shenanigans

though the years since have been long, I am glad of their passage if they have brought me here now, today, with you )

24th Jan, 2018


Who? OPEN - Wigtown, Montrose and Portree players, plus guests.
What? It's a Burns Night party!
When? Thursday, 25th January 2000
Where? At the home of Mary Maddox and Barry Ryan, in the village of Lagavulin, Isle of Islay.
Rating? Characters likely to be swearing and making adult conversation in general... as well as drinking.

And I will luve thee still, my Dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. )

23rd Jan, 2018


If any of you are around Thursday night next week, fancy a pint somewhere?

*ooc: if you think this includes your character, it probably does

22nd Jan, 2018


IC/OoC Tutshill Tornados (3-2-1) versus Montrose Magpies (6-0-0)

Tutshill Tornados (3-2-1 0.500) versus Montrose Magpies (6-0-0 1.000)
Play Started:2000-01-22 at English National (Manchester)
Snitch caught in : 3 hours, 44 minutes
three and a quarter hours of egg-citement! )

21st Jan, 2018


Who: Torquil McTavish and Roger Davies
What: Drinks, talking, someone might play wingman.
When: 12 January 2000 (backdated)
Where: The Dragon’s Lair, pub.
Warnings: None.

You'll never get into Top Gun )

19th Jan, 2018


Guess who has two thumbs and is finally cleared to start practising again?

[MG + Florrie + Shona]
Healer Pye should be sending over all relevant paperwork.

Florrie, I'm available for a physical at your convenience.

Can you get out of practice one morning next week to come to an appointment with me? Pye's got a list of suggestions and I reckon you'll keep better track of them than me.

Want to celebrate?

Thank you. Not sure I would've gotten back on track without you.

15th Jan, 2018


I hope everyone got in their votes today. I've made no secret of my opinion on the matter, but I appreciate the healthy debate offered by those on the opposite side of things, and even those who have been undecided (though hopefully that changed today!).

Regardless of the outcome, I hope you'll all raise a glass with me tonight—to Scotland!

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