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22nd March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Spotted! - Witch Weekly, 19th March 2000 issue

SPOTTED! Out And About in the Wizarding World )

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Chudley Cannons (0-10-0) versus Ballycastle Bats (3-7-0)

Chudley Cannons (0-10-0 0.000) versus Ballycastle Bats (3-7-0 0.300)
Play Started:2000-03-22 at Ellis Moor
Snitch caught in : 3 hours, 10 minutes
A heartbreaker of a game, and they almost pulled it off... )

[info]crashtested in [info]neeps

Guess I shouldn't have been so emphatic about the Cannons being heartbreakers. Bloody hell. That was one of the most brutal matches I've endured and yet I still wish I was there.

There are three brooms waiting here with your name on them.

Do I still get that milkshake?

I thought of something, but I need to know your stance on things that aren't explicitly illegal and yet aren't necessarily above board...

Well, Gina is gonna be happy, double scoops and all. Seriously though mate, did you catch any of that? I really thought they had it. I thought it's time. It's bloody time. It wasn't.

Could always be worse mate. You could work for the Cannons.


Did an owl lose my invite or do you have other plans this year?

Up for another night flying sometime soon?

added later after talking with Peggy
Brownies and ice cream. Someone needs to make the brownies that isn't me or Maggie, no offense Magaidh. I'll get the ice cream. Double scoops for everybody! We're either descending on the castle (the real one, not mine) or maybe Charlie and Dani will host? Let's magically find a time that works for everyone.

added even later after talking with Maggie
... What happened with you and Meaghan?

[info]forgedin78 in [info]neeps

Who: Ainsley Galbraith, Roger Davies
What: St David’s Day Drinking and Fantastic Choices
When: 1 March 2000, Evening
Where: Roger’s Place (Kilmarnock)
Warnings: Whinging About Boys

I did bring him home to unwrap after the party, yes. )