April 2018

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5th March 2018

[info]bestbeloved in [info]neeps

Owls sent Sunday afternoon

Owl to Jason King )

Owl to Peggy Urquhart )

Express international owl to Nikolay Draganov and Lyudmila Hristova, Malkograd, Bulgaria )

[info]justifiability in [info]neeps

My first gossip article. Now I know how Harry Potter felt at fourteen. The article was just about as truthful as one by Rita Skeeter as well. Congratulations.

First, lets set the record straight:
  • I dislike boats immensely. I get sea sick. I also dislike horses, but that’s a story for another time.
  • The Mediterranean was on the shortlist, but not anymore.
  • I have invited Monte over and he has met my muggle parents. There is no shame here. Also, for the record, outing an idividual without their knowledge or consent is just bad form.
  • You never reached out to myself or, to my knowledge, Monte. Do not go claiming things you cannot back up.
  • A bitter ex-girlfriend of a good friend is not a close insider.
  • The Muggleborn Pink Movement may have put Monte and I in contact initially, but it deserves much more than an afterthought in a poorly researched article. You also forgot several key individuals: Isla Cameron, Dawn Withey, Gregor McGregor, to name just a few. There mare many more of us now, more than I can name and I am glad. That means our ideas are spreading and we are more than just a footnote.

    Next time, if there is a next time, I suggest reaching out. You’d get a better story.

  • [info]crashtested in [info]neeps

    Owl to Maggie MacDougal )

    [info]pickle in [info]neeps


    Not an IC cut. )

    Pink clothing felt like cheating since I wear it all the time, so I came up with something new!

    [info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

    Appleby Arrows (5-4-0) versus Puddlemere United (4-4-1)

    Appleby Arrows (5-4-0 0.556) versus Puddlemere United (4-4-1 0.444)
    Play Started:2000-03-05 at Ilkey Moor
    Snitch caught in : 5 hours, 6 minutes
    Appleby Arrows : 290
    Puddlemere United : 340
    Congratulations, Puddlemere United
    That trade was quick, if obvious... )

    [info]mrs_dragon in [info]neeps

    Who: Alasdair Buchanan & Lorna MacFarlane
    What: Captain and Vice Captain talk, after Joy announcement
    When: February 13
    Where: Portree Quidditch Complex
    Warnings: Language

    I accept the challenge! )

    [info]mmmcc in [info]neeps

    Who: Ainsley Galbraith and Meaghan McCormack
    What: Totally Not A Keeper Showdown
    When: Saturday, 3 March 2000, After Practice
    Where: Prides practice pitch
    Warnings: Language, Internalized Anger

    Rationality had obviously taken a backseat in Ainsley’s head, because she felt primed and ready to go toe-to-toe with Meaghan if it came to that. )

    [info]mmmcc in [info]neeps

    My birthday's in like two weeks.

    [Alec Urq]
    Did she really say Good article.

    [info]gilliflower in [info]neeps

    I got your owl with the lovely martenitsa and I was going to wait until my parents had talked about a good time for a visit to Malkograd to owl you back, and to send a photograph of me wearing it that you could send to Silviya along with my thanks.

    I've also had your second owl and I wanted you to know that I support your decision. It's hard when you do something your parents and family don't understand, but I understand even if they don't. I have friends from school who are involved with Jason's organisation. One of them is a Muggleborn who was lucky enough to escape before he could be sent to Azkaban. I didn't know what you would think about this, so I've been hesitating about introducing you to them. I'm pleased that you're stepping up.

    It's all complicated, and I know it's hard to do these things when you come from an old conservative family. If you want me to think about how to talk to your parents about this and explain to them that it doesn't mean you're abandoning them or their ways, I'll be happy to do that. And I understand that this might mean your parents blame me for how you're feeling and what you're doing and forbid the marriage. If that happens, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now I am glad to be your friend, either way.

    Whatever you have to tell me, I promise I will keep an open mind.

    Let me know how I can help. If we're to be married, we must support each other, and here I will support you as best I can.

    [info]ludicrous in [info]neeps


    This week only you can register two patents for the price of one. Inquire at the front desk.

    [info]avoidretrograde in [info]neeps

    Alright team this is a big month for us. We're nearing the end of the regular season and the first Neep on the 31st.

    Since at this point in this season, with only 3 blocs left, we have a very solid grasp on a good playoff seed, I’m going to turn our attention to starting strong with the Neep. We are not going easy on the regular season teams, but we are going to try and save some of our strength for hitting Portree hard right off the bat.

    Which means the lineups for this month are subject to change and up in the air but I will tell you ahead of time some of my plans for them so a few of you are prepared. Please note these are tentative.

    Tentative line up notes:
    Chasers: I don Wigtown will be Jason, Roger, and Angus. Maddock, listen to Florrie and heal well. We still have a lot ahead we need you for. Unfortunately nothing much to give you lot right now other than the Wigtown lineup, it’s all up in the air.

    Beaters: Lex and Georgi, you’re on Neep. But Kal, I’m playing you for both Wigtown and the Kestrels. You’re more than ready for both. Who's playing which match with you is still to be determined but one for each either way.

    Keepers: Micah is leading us into the Neep so Ada you’ll be getting one of the two regular season matches. I’ll get back to you on which.

    Seekers: Lennox, normally I’d rest you for the match the week before the Neep, you’re going to be absolutely vital there, but that match is against the Kestrels. And Lynch is the only one experienced and levelheaded enough to give you any kind of a challenge. So that’s not one I can rest you on, unfortunately we’ll need you to play both those matches. So Kenna, I’m giving you Wigtown. We’ll talk about their seekers in detail later.

    [Montrose Staff]
    Regarding having a pink team at the match:

    I’m going to say again, it’s not mandatory, I want people to do it in the spirit of support and solidarity not because it’s mandated.

    But I want to support this how we can. Roger had a mention of pink boots in Jason’s entry, that and rosettes might not be a bad idea? Opinions? Whatever we do will need to be a rush order though.

    And Jason wants the magpie on his robes to be a neon pink, I’ve told him I’m very happy for him to have that screw any fines. But seeing as he won’t have time to fiddle around with designs...Mick? Should be a fun project for a change. Take the practice uniforms and experiment so that Jason has options to choose from.

    To Do list:
    • Follow up with Florrie - Maddock for the Kestrels match?
    • Speaking of Florrie: bday gift + dinner
    • Dinner at mum’s this week
    • Work out tentative lineups for the next 3 matches (Wigtown/Kestrels/Neep)
    • Line up considerations:
      • Maddock recovery time (out for Wigtown, ?Kestrels but if so then iffy on playing him for Neep)
      • Jason’s Broom Race
      • Need for starter rest
      • Captain or ViceCap needs to be in play for each match
      • Kestrels > Wigtown, unfortunate timing though
      • Neep lineup needs to be saved up where possible, but balanced with what’s reasonable to put reserves on
      • Lennox vs. Lynch needs to stay
      • Georgi/Lex: Which on wigtown, which on kestrels
      • Ada - Wigtown or Kestrels
      • Chasers - who the hell knows right now

    • Buckle down on Portree research
      • Roberts era Portree (focus on the prime years)
      • Old Ballycastle - Pepper (+possibly Okeke)
      • Dig up Wigtown matches - Okeke
      • Galbraith in case (no way they don’t play McCormack) - Cannons (this will be painful to go through) + Wanderers if there’s time
      • Listen to Parkinson recordings Gregor dug up - their giant hasn’t completely found his spot in the BIL style of play just yet, there’s more that can come from him

    • Celtics for Kai’s potential debut on the 15th
    • Attend Portree vs. Cats
    • Consider updating Potential Future Players list for offseason wants/needs
      • Revisit Georgi’s contract pending Peppard’s progress

    • Ideally keep the top seed for the postseason run (fuck the Bats)
    • Follow up on pink additions for the match (for players/staff)
    • Find some extra pink to wear or charm something pink for self

    [info]ohlaird in [info]neeps

    Seeker Weekly

    A Whizz Hard Exclusive Feature: Catriona McCormack )

    OOC: Click the page numbers for the next pages

    OOC #2: Apparently the code fucks up on firefox and mobile so if you can't see the second page: HERE it is