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1st March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Falmouth Falcons (3-6-1) versus Kenmare Kestrels (6-3-0)

Falmouth Falcons (3-6-1 0.300) versus Kenmare Kestrels (6-3-0 0.667)
Play Started:2000-03-01 at Bodmin Moor
Snitch caught in : 21 hours, 12 minutes
Falmouth Falcons : 250
Kenmare Kestrels : 1080
Congratulations, Kenmare Kestrels
We would especially like to welcome all the representatives of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement community who have chosen to join us here at the Bodmin Moor Quidditch Pitch at this time. We do sincerely hope you all enjoy the game. And please remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody. )

[info]apaixonada in [info]neeps

Are people familiar with Celtic FC? My baby brother is considering an offer from them...

I told Kai he can stay with us. Built in baby sitter and part time nanny?

[info]laddiethelion in [info]neeps

owl post to monte cameron

owl to Monte Cameron )

[info]crashtested in [info]neeps

Who: Meaghan and Hamish. Also featuring Meaghan's trust issues.
What: Drinking, talking, avoiding feelings.
When: Monday night. 26 February 2000
Where: The Drunken Seer Pub in Stornoway
Warnings: Surprisingly mild language

It was times like these when Hamish wished he'd been a better student and gone on to study something useful, like Legilimency... )

[info]keptinreserve in [info]neeps

Who: Ainsley Galbraith & Maggie MacDougal.
When: Saturday, 24 February, nighttime.
Where: Ainsley's house on Raasay Island.
Warnings: Probably language. Awkward conversations.

Think you need space? Time? … A different snog? )

[info]bestbeloved in [info]neeps

Owl to Peggy Urquhart )

Owl to Ernie Macmillan )

OOC: Georgi also has a whole bunch of martenitsi to give out to all his friends at training today. You get a martenitsa and you get a martenitsa and you get a martenitsa! Честита Баба Марта to all <3

[info]crashtested in [info]neeps

The Cannons are playing the Wasps this weekend and I got a good feeling about Chudley's chances. It's gotta be their time sometime, right?

[Study Group]
Charlie, can you get me odds?

I'm planning on going out to the Drunken Seer on Friday night. Can't say much but work's about to get really busy. So if anyone's up for drinks let me know?

[Study Group sans Augustus but with Kal!]
What are we doing for Pye Day this year?

Pye day is Pye's birthday on the 14th of March and has nerdy Muggle math references for Americans who write the date backwards. Don't break up with him before then, alright? (I mean, don't break up with him at all, but that would be a terrible birthday present.)

Hey mate, I got an update for you.

Ten? I'm gonna be coming from the Falcons match. Sorta.

[info]forgedin78 in [info]neeps

1st March

I know I live in Scotland now but...

IT'S SAINT DAVID'S DAY!! And I'm cracking open my box of wine for the occasion.

Also, technically the first day of Spring, even though it's freezing.

I don't know where to start with this, so bear with me. If Cecil is around [...] he might find this odd if he reads it. I met someone who looks exactly like him. Not a passing similarity on a quick glance but I actually thought Cecil was at the Montrose match. It was [...] Eerie. I got all flustered and swore in Welsh.

I think I might have been on a date this morning and I'm blaming you.

[info]catapults in [info]neeps

In honor of the confluence of both World Book Day and St David's Day, all books by Welsh authors are on sale through the rest of the week at Book Wyrm. Literary costumes are encouraged but only monetized if donned by small children or accompanied by song and dance.

[info]yaxlie in [info]neeps

Who: Lex and Hamish
What: Flying around
When: Thursday evening. 1st March 2000.
Where: Exmoor Pitch/National Park
Warnings: some sort of not quite flirting & awkwardness

So, who would my beloved Hamish have married? )

[info]healerpye in [info]neeps

Owl to Maggie MacDougal )

[info]douxnoir in [info]neeps

(Posted March 1st 2000)

So I've recently read the most delightful thing.

So you know how Françoise sends me fashion magazines from France? I happened to be reading the latest one she sent and... well, on one page they happened to have the results on a recent poll they'd posed their readers. It's pretty interesting that it seems as if opinion is split fairly evenly over whether your behind looks better in Portree purple or Quiberon pink.

At least you can be sure that nobody here will have been likely to have seen the, and I use the word rather loosely, article.

On a more serious note, I haven't actually asked either of them just yet but I was thinking of asking Françoise and Anais to be my maid of honour and one of my bridesmaids. Although I suppose in Françoise's case it's actually matron of honour. I haven't been able to think of anyone else yet.

I'd forgotten how interesting French wizarding fashion magazines can be sometimes.

[ooc: not very clearly purple (or pink) but an example of what the article may have had as pictures.]