April 2018

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22nd January 2018

[info]avoidretrograde in [info]neeps

Sometimes when your wife insists on making a day of something and celebrating, you need to give in. I’m hard pressed to name a time it didn’t work out.

Also forewarning: Theo has discovered crawling. Watch out world.

We're back to regular season quidditch! I hope you all enjoyed your breaks because we're cracking down even more. Tutshill is up first and probably lucky for us since they're a good team to use to get us back in form again. So here's your usual rundown:

The Tutshill Tornados, a middling team who only found their feet on offense in the last couple blocs. Hence the atrocious ranking. Their coach has made some changes partway through and the chasers and beaters have shown more confidence and initiative, clearly they're trying to squeak into playoff position again.

Unfortunately for them, they've run up against us.

Tutshill Notes
Keeper: Fenwick is a surprisingly good keeper on a surprisingly poor team. The only keepers with a better percentage than him right now are our own keepers and McCormack. Most of the teams they've faced have been lower ranked ones where he's had to compensate for the chasers being spotty with defense. Tear apart the chaser defense formations and leave him exposed.

Seeker: Middling seeker, serviceable but nothing to write home about. Does have some shining moments, including that 27min catch against the Catapults (outjumping leap-happy Threepwood for the snitch has to be mentioned). But when he comes up against more experienced seekers than her (like you, Lennox), tends to get left behind.

Chasers: Their chasers take some time to get going, their first 4 matches were actually quite awful. But it seems the coach has changed something because they have shown drastic improvement in their latest two matches, going from barely a goal each for the early matches to centuries each. And to be honest, when Chudley outscores you before the snitch, there’s only up to go. Egg seems to be their top scorer and lead, so I’ll say it so that nobody is tempted: Scramble him.

Beaters: Weren't very hard hitting at the start of this season. Again, midway through the season they changed something and have become significantly more brutal. 4 severe injuries dealt out in the last 3 matches. The flip side of that is that it comes at a cost to their defense which has slipped some. But they'll be a good pair for us to test a new combo against.

Roster for Tutshill
Angus, Jason, Roger as our chaser line. Jason, you get next match off and Maddock, you'll be back for it.

Kal and Georgi on bludgers. Lex, we’re happy to have you back practicing with us officially and it'll be good to have you up in the air again with the team.

Micah, Lennox. The usual, do I need to say much more?

Reminder that next bloc are the infamously embarrassing Chudley Cannons and that means, reserves, you're going to get some fun air time. I'll have to think of a challenge list for Chudley.

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

IC/OoC Tutshill Tornados (3-2-1) versus Montrose Magpies (6-0-0)

Tutshill Tornados (3-2-1 0.500) versus Montrose Magpies (6-0-0 1.000)
Play Started:2000-01-22 at English National (Manchester)
Snitch caught in : 3 hours, 44 minutes
three and a quarter hours of egg-citement! )

[info]colludium in [info]neeps

(ooc: posted before the match)

Tornadoes are coming up, and hopefully it'll be a good one to blow off the cobwebs that come from not playing since before Christmas.

Merc, Florrie, Shona, Angus, Jason, Lex, Micah

Merc knows this already, but here goes.

I went to see a private healer this morning. There's been a lot going on in my head of late and I needed to process it with people I'm not emotionally invested in in any way.

To cut a long story short, pending further meetings, she is looking into a formal diagnosis of anxiety and panic disorder. Which, given that I do this for a living, is... unusual. But she said that throwing yourself into what we do can be almost therapeutic in itself.

On a related note, I'll be going to regular meetings with her, more often in times of need. This isn't something easy but I think I'm finally coming to terms with some stuff that's been going on for far too long.

I don't want to be fixed, I just want to be better. There's a reason I've been keeping this ward small, so... yeah. I think that's everything. I hope it shows tgat I'm being proactive in making changes that I need to, here.

[info]broom_maker in [info]neeps

Delivery to the Magpie offices for Aureliana Abercrombie )

[info]kalyani in [info]neeps

Owl to Augustus Pye


I know work has been busy this week, but I hope you've been taking some time for yourself, too. Maybe these will help.

See you soon?


[Enclosed: Selection of healthy snacks (Muggle brands)]