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6th November 2017

[info]wrecktify in [info]neeps

For those of you following along at home, the doxy hive behind my shower curtain has been exterminated. [...] Or I should say that most of the doxies have been exterminated, as the queen remains and is surprisingly hardy.

And now for a new and completely unrelated topic! Can I interest anyone in a slightly-scorched bathtub? It has claw feet and moves out of your way when you clean beneath it. Doxy queen inclu No returns or exchanges.

If you lot decide to take part in No Shave November I'm starting a pool. It will probably all be perfectly above-board.

Two categories: put your hard-earned galleons on whose beard you think will be the bushiest and how long you expect it to grow. Half the winnings get split between the winners of the first category, half the winnings go to the closest without going over for the second, and the leftovers go into that pot for [...] whatever charity this is raising galleons for.

I've been looking into the best potion to help wee D the beard-challenged among our numbers compensate for their genetic shortcomings, and I found one that looks especially promising. The side effects are [...] few [...] and unlikely [...] but if you take it you [......] may [.........] be transfigured into an armchair. The effects are temporary, however, and you'd retain your mutton chops even as a piece of furniture [...] so, morally-speaking, you'd still be golden.

[info]gwensational in [info]neeps

Have you been approached by Rita Skeeter or any other reporter regarding an article? Or have you talked in public about your actions during the war? This is important, so don't give me attitude, I don't have the time for it.

Once again, I want to express my deepest reservations regarding the MacFusty scheme and remind you both that it's an incredible risk which I do not approve of taking and I expect it to be a disaster for all parties.

That said, where are we on the Beater situation?

This is just your quarterly reminder that Quidditch is the absolute worst and I can't believe you played this terrible game for so long. I can't believe Mum loves it so much.

What are we doing for your birthday?

[info]colludium in [info]neeps

Who: Lennox Campbell & Lex Yaxley
What: Drinking. Maybe talking.
When: *handwaves* recently...
Where: Lex's place
Warnings: War and mental health references, in which we made poor bb Lennox cry.

It will get better. We just have to keep flying )

[info]kalyani in [info]neeps

Who: Kal Sharma, Lex Yaxley, Fraser Macmillan, Mel Yaxley
What: 2 on 2 because Kal needs the extra practice
When: 3 November 1999, after regular practice
Where: Montrose Pitch
Warnings: A little language, but otherwise tame enough

The match against Portree was looming. )

[info]mrs_dragon in [info]neeps

So Halloween was a week ago and I still can't get the bairns out of their Halloween costumes. Plus they're high on sugar. So I have two screaming dragons chasing each other throughout the house. I should just drop them off at the reserve and be done with it I think.

[ Cav/Ellie ]
So, not to be a pest but... any word on when I can come into practice? The fall classic is soon, and I probably should start working with the team.

[ Ellie ]
Will you think less of me if I admit I'm fucking terrified?