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14th October 2017

[info]avoidretrograde in [info]neeps

Working on that seeker issue I see.

[Montrose Staff]
I want a box for the Portree match this bloc.

First thing's first: Much much better performance this match. A good solid match, the chasers really came together, beaters were on point with defending (though please use your bats not your body, Elektra), and our keeper didn't let up. Not to mention Lennox clinching it for the win.

I hope you all took the time to celebrate because these next two matches will be some of our toughest and most important.

Our next opponent is Ballycastle and I will be entirely honest with you here:

I loathe losing to the Bats. Their coach is an old curmudgeon who's been around since even my playing days and I can't abide losing to that bastard or that team. Can't believe I had to catch the snitch at a loss against them

Whatever happened to them last match isn't reflective of their potential. Remember, they are the second most successful team in the history of this league, the current defending champions, and have a reputation as a long standing heavy-weight of a team who are known for their high scoring matches.

They are less affected by the war than we are, they had less rebuilding to do, and they are coming off an unusual loss. So their coach will be fixing these issues with a vengeance, and a strong showing against another heavy-weight team is exactly what they're looking for.

We are not losing to those bast and I am not allowing it.

So this will be a bloc of intense training. And while I promise to break it up with some fun team times, these will be longer and harder training days. The bye put us behind and now that our big opponents are coming up, we don't have the time to slowly build up anymore.

If you have anything you want to work on, now's the time to speak up. Because more likely than not we'll be throwing it into our training. We are doing much better but we're not yet at the form I know we can be, so let's change that.

You need any unhelpful help at the shop?

[info]razorfraser in [info]neeps

Just one more block until I take my fall holiday! After these first three blocks, I'm looking forward to climbing up an icy mountain.

[Warded to Peggy Urquhart + Percy Weasley]

I've been running stats on the numbers and they don't make a lot of sense. The Falcons did better than usual and the Bats did worse. Chudley did fine, why do they want to erase the season?

Also, I'm getting a strange feeling off the numbers for this season. Sure feels like we should've played a bunch of friendlies before starting the season to get people back in the groove first.

Unless something is going on. I don't know how many people know about all this...

[info]ecoutezmoi in [info]neeps

Individual owls to Joy Willison, Sara Scrimgeour & David Urqhart )

[info]partandparsel in [info]neeps

Who: Gwen Miracle and Des Parkin
What: Information-gathering, opinion-seeking, and general discussion of the BIL news of the hour.
When: 27 September 1999, afternoon.
Where: Des’s office, DOMGAS, Ministry.
Warnings: Slytherin scheming

You’re not looking very surprised about this, Dad. You knew already, didn’t you? )

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

From Betty Braithwaite's interview with Fergus Quintin of the Quintin Distillery in the 15 October 1999 Sunday Prophet )