Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Feb. 22nd, 2009|09:53 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and Layla Williams.
What: Lucas visits Layla after finishing playing basketball and leaves Layla a note.
When: Day 33, evening.
Where: His room at first.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

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He walked back to his room and turned on the TV as he waited for her, hoping she'd show up.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2009|08:03 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and OTA
What: Lucas is out playing basketball
When: Day 33, afternoon
Where: A court near the lake.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG (just to be safe).

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Day 32 [Feb. 14th, 2009|08:31 pm]
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Who: George Lass and Lucas Scott
What: George finally gets the guts to go knock on Lucas' door and ask him for some basketball lessons, like he offered
When: Day 32, afternoon
Where: Lucas' residential building, at his door (probably will move on to a more suitable location for basketball practising)
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG just to be safe

People knocked, all the time, because they had to. )
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[Feb. 7th, 2009|07:01 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and Open
When: Day 31
What: Lucas goes for a swim.
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Complete.

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[Feb. 6th, 2009|06:37 pm]
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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Layla Williams, Lucas Scott and OTA
When: Day 31
What: Layla is outside in a spring like coat, black yoga pants, sneakers and is playing with a football, aiming it at a tire swing that she thought of an it appeared. So far she has made 3 out of 5 tries. Could turn into a small football game?
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Incomplete.

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[Jan. 26th, 2009|11:19 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and Layla Williams
When: Day 30 late evening.
What: Lucas Scott and Layla Williams meet.
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Complete.

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[Jan. 26th, 2009|10:49 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and Ianto Jones
When: Day 30
What: Lucas and Ianto meet in the Library.
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Incomplete.

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Day 29 Arrival. [Jan. 22nd, 2009|02:31 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and open
When: Day 29
What: Lucas Scott arrives
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Incomplete.

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