ii → action + video | open.
24 October 2011 at 08:56 pm
[ finally, he's free of that ball and chain. another day and he might've seriously hurt himself trying to get the thing off. he stretches, relishing in the feel of not being weighed down by that damned thing. ]

That's more like it. Which way's the fridge?
[Action | Closed to Anyone in the Doctor's House]
18 October 2011 at 12:14 pm
[The day before, Rose talked the Doctor into sleeping in a nest of blankets on her floor, and when he went to bed last night (or more likely, this morning, seeing as he needs very little sleep), that nest had been a nest for one. Now, it's a nest for two, though the Doctor may be a bit slow to realize that once he wakes. After all, Rose could have relocated from the bed. It's entirely possible the person beside him isn't anyone to worry about.

Yes, the Doctor has been known to make mistakes.]
17 October 2011 at 04:51 pm
[There's a flicker of static before the image comes into focus. not that it's much of an important image. No, it's a sleepy eyed, dark haired woman peering into what has to be the camera on her device.]

Hullo. I have a question, and a few things to clear up, too.

[She pulls back to show that she's sitting at a small desk, a mug between her cupped hands.]

Let me get some things straight. One, you kidnap me and drag me here because of crimes I've committed. Okay... alright, that, I can see. Two, we're fed and kept pretty nicely, but it's still prison, or whatever. Gotta admit, I wouldn't expect that from being locked up or anything, but the place is nice enough.

[And now she leans back in, favoring the camera with a mildly put upon look.]

That's all well and good, except the whole locked away part, but I just have one question.

Is it really so hard to get some decent coffee around here?
[voice | open | backdated to mid-evening]
16 October 2011 at 05:24 pm
[It's been another busy day, from breakfast on through his chores, but now he's back in his room and left alone with his thoughts about how everything has gone wrong back home. Anyone else might seek out someone to talk to about it, but Moji is not anyone else, and that's the last thing he wants. Instead, he picks a neutral topic to engage people. He chooses voice to hide the obvious bags under his eyes, hoping to avoid questions about his well-being.]

I'm curious about the passage of time here. I've heard a few people say it seems to move more slowly here than in their home world, and I wondered about your theories on that. Is it that time really does move differently on this world, or just a side effect of being taken from our daily lives and responsibilties and having so much more time on our hands?

We may never know the truth, of course, but it's interesting to think about.
☆ video
12 October 2011 at 10:48 am
Not all of you will understand this, but... [Really, he assumes no one will. Except maybe for Zero, but he's not thinking about him or anyone else here right now.] The worst feeling is when the biggest part of your heart goes missing.
003 [Video || Action for Jack & The Doctor]
11 October 2011 at 02:10 pm
[Rose is standing in the middle of a bedroom, hands on her hips as she contemplates the room. There's a pile of bedding on a low platform bed. The bed is just kind of sitting in the middle of the room and there's a dresser sitting a bit cock-eyed to the wall.]

Woulda thought tryin' to decide where I want the bed would be easier than this.

[She walks over and flops down on the bed, on her back.]

Nothin' wrong with leavin' it just like this, yeah?
[ audio / action ]
11 October 2011 at 11:45 am
Lookin' to meet up with some mechanical types. Maybe some engineerin' types too. Also, curious about learnin' about different combat styles you folk have back wherever you're from. No reason for that last one, really. Just curiosity.

I'll be in sector four by this hugely creeptifyin' cherry tree for the better part of the day for those wantin' to have a chat.

[And Mal will be sitting there beneath the shade of the tree, waiting to see who takes the bait and what he can get out of them.]

ooc )
[ action | throughout the day ]
09 October 2011 at 11:43 pm
[Touma was on a mission. He was determined to figure out the reason why some people had restraints and others didn't. Talking with a few people recently got him thinking about it, so he was now walking around the prison, approaching people and asking them what their crimes were and if they had been restrained when they arrived.

He had a notebook with him, though he wasn't writing in it when he was talking to people. That was too obvious. However, if you caught him between questioning periods, you might catch him making generic notes on statistics. No names, so no worries, just numbers and rough ideas right now.

He was wandering around Sector 4, so he'd be anywhere around there all day.]
09 October 2011 at 06:31 pm

No. Unacceptable. I can't be here. There's no way someone actually tried me, and under whose authority, anyway?

What th'... chains?

You've got to be kidding.
[ action | video ]
08 October 2011 at 08:02 pm
[ Sam or no Sam, Sasha or no Sasha, Dean was going to infiltrate the Devil's Compass and spruce up the place a bit. Mostly with the addition of a record player. Yes, you got that right. A record player.

He much preferred tapes, but, eh... might as well go for the good stuff. The new billiard table was going to have to wait. He needed help for that.

Flicking on the feed, the nice, soft dulcet tones of Nirvana filter over the line even as Dean pops into view. ]

Hey! Don't know about you, but I thought the place could use a bit of cheering up down here. Who wants to join me for a few drinks and some music? I'll man the bar if Sam doesn't. Just don't expect me to make anything fancier then a beer. I ain't making any of that fruity crap.

[ and... yeah. There goes Dean. See you guys at the Compass! ]
[Voice | Action | Closed to Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness]
05 October 2011 at 02:15 pm
Remember that little talk we had? The one about finding a place to live? We really ought to get on that, oughtn't we? A flat or a house or something. Not that the Shelter isn't brilliant--I rather liked the little fire drill--but it is a bit crowded, don't you think? I'm not used to having to share so little space with so many people. There isn't even space for a private swimming pool or a menagerie or a proper wardrobe in that place. It makes sharing a two bedroom flat with Jackie seem downright pleasant. Can we please start looking for someplace else? I'm about to go around the bend, not having my own kitchen.

[He sounds like it, too. The Doctor, as much as he loves people and novel situations, is not cut out for being stuffed in with the masses in a communal living situation. Just staying with Rose at her mother's for a few days while the two caught up was enough to have him chomping at the bit. For a man accustomed to having an entire TARDIS to himself, the shelter is downright tiny.]
04 October 2011 at 11:18 pm


[ Video | Open ]
04 October 2011 at 07:22 pm
Aheh, um... hi, Marina! [ Oh look, it's the young blue-haired woman from this morning. The one who was called out for the fire "drill". You know... the one that woke up EVERYONE IN THE SHELTER and even soaked a few people?

Yeah. That one!

She clears her throat and straightens herself up. No sense in looking fearful, now! She made her bed, and now it was time to sleep in it. ]

Some of you might not know who I am, so let me introduce myself first. My name is Ser-- [ Oops. Habit. ] Um, Subaru Nakajima. You can call me Subaru!

[ Here she claps her hands together before her face in a pleading gesture. ] I am really, really sorry for the disturbance this morning. That was completely my idea and my fault for waking everyone up before Acumen's announcement, but you see... [ Though she should be rushed -- trying to cover her ass -- Subaru takes a calming breath and tries to take this slow and professionally. ] Yes, Acumen says that the emergency system is functional, and I trust him on that. But, the system can only do so much. It's preparations that you can make, and practice in dealing with emergency situations, that will ultimately ensure that you the best chance of making it out of a real fire alive. [ And not depending on others. ] At least I can say with full confidence that most of you this morning acted quickly and probably would have been just fine if it had been a real fire!

--even if there are some out there who could have paid better attention to the directions, and a few more who seemed to sleep right through it... [ She tries not to sound disappointed, but she's also not going to call anyone out. ]

[ Once more, she puts her hands up and bows her head forward until it touches the edge of her desk. ] Everyone, please forgive me once more for that behavior! [ Raising her head up, she grins a bit. ] I promise, next time, it will not happen unnanounced! [ And there, she waves and cuts off the feed on her end. ]
03 October 2011 at 09:25 pm
[The man looks into the communicator, and then stares down at the basket in front of him.]

A welcome basket, hm? I suppose I should be thankful. The pamphlet was helpful, at least.


I have some questions about this 'Acumen'. First… what is an artificial intelligence?

[Computers, they do not make sense.]

Secondly, how is it able to 'replace' people, and what makes it think that it knows better than us? Sometimes crimes are needed in order to do the right thing.

[… Hm. Okay, well, this question doesn't have to do with Acumen.]

Third… is there a Charles Xavier here?

[He's not even going to go into how insulting it is to have this iron ball around his leg. Metal. Around his leg. That he can't do something about.]
i → accidental video | open.
03 October 2011 at 07:56 pm
...bottom of the ocean. Again. Wonderful.

[ not the first time he's been down to the bottom, thanks to the fledgling initiative during world war ii. it is, however, the first time someone's tossed him down this far with the intents of holding him here for the crimes he's committed. he won't contest that he's deserving of this, given all he did during his soulless years, but the timing couldn't be worse. ]

You know, I really don't have time for this. Thanks, but no thanks for the accommodations. Bring down your hammer of justice another time. I've got more important things to do than indulge some Holier Than Thou on a quest for reparation. Been there, done that.


Eloquois Ocean. What dimension is this?
[ Action | Wide Open | Forward-dated to pre-dawn (tomorrow) ]
01 October 2011 at 06:32 pm
It is a peaceful morning in the Shelter. In the dome above, the artificial daylight cycle has not yet begun. The halls echo with the gentle sounds of early morning residents milling around and robots going about their business amidst the even, sterile glow of the artificial lights. Yes, all is quiet and calm...

Until the alarm goes off.

Some will recognize that it is Sentience's voice -- not Acumen's -- that follows the echoing, whooping alarm that rings out through the halls of the entire Shelter and directs everyone to stay calm:

"Attention. Attention. An emergency has been reported in this building. Please, cease operations and calmly leave the building utilizing the nearest stairwell exit. Do not use the elevators. I repeat. Do not use the elevators!"

This continues on for many minutes, as denizens stir from their slumber or drop their meals and take to the halls. At least... it is expected that everyone follows the evacuation orders and strobe lights as directed. Elevators are non-functional for the duration of the alert. (But you can try to hack or override them if you want -- just expect someone to notice, later.)

As an added bonus: those in the kitchen and dining areas, sprinklers have activated, as that is the source of the disturbance. A perfect way to start your morning, right? (Don't worry -- there is a laundry cart with towels upstairs outside the exits.)

OOC notes! )
[ video ]
01 October 2011 at 04:10 pm
That baseball game was kind of fun. But I heard that there weren't going to be any more for a while, is that true? Why is that?

[specifically, he enjoyed Suzaku's team losing, but. hey, it looked like it was almost as fun as soccer! but it seems like it's too late to look into it now...]

[after a beat, kicking back against the inside wall of the clocktower]

--Hey, Anya. I want to show you something. Are you free?

((ooc: shortly before "sunset"))
The 134th Day
26 September 2011 at 03:23 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 134th day of the third generation. The weather transition has still not yet completed, and the weather for today will be warm in the morning and afternoon, cooling off slightly in the evening. This facility had scheduled a light rain, but it will be delayed until tomorrow, so as not to interfere with inmate Yuuri Shibuya's baseball game.

Inmates Miwako Sakurada, The Doctor, Rose Tyler, and Michiru Kaiou, the items you requested are available for pick up at the entrance to the shelter in Sector 0.
002 [Video || Action]
24 September 2011 at 09:42 pm
[Rose is sitting on a park bench in Sector 4. She's got a big cardboard tray filled with chips next to her and she's poking at them with a bit of a puzzled look on her face.]

Anyone ever notice the chips are a bit off? Not by a lot. Just...somethin' missin' besides bein' wrapped in yesterdays post.
[ action / audio ] OPEN
22 September 2011 at 11:00 am
[The sun is just starting to go down in the sky and Oz is in sector four. He's been working hard, which is something that doesn't happen often. Jennifer had told him about a plot of land in sector four that had once been used for vegetable farming by someone named Mami. As she had said, he had found the tool shed in tact and had spent the better part of his time since then, tilling the land and tending the soil.

It's as if all that pent up restlessness inside had been thrown into his work and the aggression of the wolf inside had been placed into the ground he was working with. It felt good. And for the first time in days he felt calm, at peace. He didn't want to stop. He had been right. It was cathartic, and somehow it felt like it was something more than that, as if he had stumbled on something that he should have known a long time ago. He had yet to place his finger on what that was yet though.

He turns on the audio of his device.
] Anyone know where to get vegetable seeds?