[Voice | Open]
01 November 2010 at 05:48 pm
[One boring, dull wake-up call by Acumen? Check! One awesome, music driven obsessed wake-up call by Dean?

Blasting in your ear, baby!

But, don't mind him. He's just a little wired still from the previous night and might have raided the store instead of sleeping.

It was for a good cause okay!]

((ooc: will be tagging sporadically until I get the AC done!))
28 October 2010 at 09:19 pm
[ the whoosh and crackly sound of fire -- ]

Monsters, twins, vampires, underage children, artificial intelligence -- [ the bzzt of static ]

This place more or less covers them all. Feel free to add whatever I've missed.

[ muffled shrieking of raptors and more static ] On another note, I do hope that this doesn't become too common a occurrence. Too much of a good thing makes it terribly boring.

[ ooc: is cheating and using Eye Raid to stop the monsters in their tracks. feel free to cut down some of the raptors. ]
[Voice//Action | Open]
26 October 2010 at 09:22 pm
[Saya isn't sure why she went out today. Most of her was still trying to talk herself out of it, even as she peers, extra cautious, around a corner. She should be home, huddled up with Jeanne and a flashlight in a fort they'd make; but it was like... something was calling her.]

[And how idiotic was that. She really should get ba --]

[A growl behind her freezes Saya where she stands. Her head slowly turns against her will... to stare straight into the face of a lizard monster. The next moment she's running, reaching up to switch on her communicator:]

H-help! Someone...!

[She can feel the monsters on her heels as she sprints around a corner -- dead end. She turns and slowly backs herself into the wall as the lizards, three of them, creep ever closer.]

((OOC: Any one coming to Saya's aid, be warned that Saya will be turning all badass vamp once cornered... and depending on IC actions, she might attack her benefactor. Ping me on Saya's journal or AIM to discuss further if you want to put limits on that, I can totally work around 'no injury' clauses or the like!))
[Voice | Open]
26 October 2010 at 12:45 pm
[The broadcast starts with the sound of a sword sliding back into a sheath, and footsteps.]

Whoever mentioned monster attacks to me? You weren't kidding. Raptors... it's like something out of a bad movie.

Does anyone need a hand?
25 October 2010 at 09:47 pm
[ ...well, isn't this just fascinating.

you might find Jade wandering very sedately down the street; he's easy to spot because, at least at the moment, he has an orb of light in the air above him. he needs the light, almost less for actually seeing than for the furious scribbling he's doing in a very small notebook.

to himself, as he walks: ]
An escalation, certainly... But what does it mean?
25 October 2010 at 10:33 pm
Don't worry, everyone. I'm sure the brave men and women of our Defense Force will keep everyone protected in this uncertain time.

Make sure to bother them with all your insignificant frets.
[ voice | open ]
23 October 2010 at 11:16 pm
[She's had far too much coffee today to sleep, and she can't get comfortable since Naoya's stupid cat decided to make her stomach into a body pillow (even though she can't bring herself to push it off, either).]

Is anyone actually awake right now? [Aside from you, Ushiro, and your morbid questions haha, pot and kettle]
[Video/Action - Open]
22 October 2010 at 02:30 pm
I have snacks and tea if anyone wants to join me for another little party. [Smiles brightly into the camera.] I promise I won't pull out the photo albums again~ [In other words, an invitation for Yuuki to come too! To her own house! Woah!]

What with recent events, I know that some of you are probably a little stressed. So please come to the manor in sector four! Hopefully we can all try to cheer up together!

[OOC: Kaien is currently in front of the manor with many snacks and a lot of tea and coffee sitting on a medium-sized table surrounded by many so-far empty chairs. Doesn't it sound inviting?]
[ action / event ]
15 October 2010 at 12:33 am
[Party! Lelouch has thrown a little party in the open space in the park adjacent his house; it's officially for everyone who has an October birthday. There are tables and decorations set up, plenty of delicious food and desserts, including a cake with a candle for all the birthday kids (after Lelouch gets feedback from birthday kids). He has party favors and everything: little bags of party favor treats for the attendees, and slightly more impressive baskets for the other October kids.

[But mostly: it's a party. There's music, decorations, food to eat, and funtimes. Lelouch will say a little something nice when they cut the cake. He's a good host, you'll have fun if you come~]

[[Please note that everyone not on the watch list got an invitation in the mail yesterday ICly, as apologized-for on the Monday post. Event-style posting; make your own thread and get comments, or comment to other people's threads!]]

Currently-known October birthdays: Euphie, Nunnallyx2, Rolo, Shiki... anyone else? Say so!
[ video | locked away from Diva ]
15 October 2010 at 01:32 am
Um... excuse me? Does anyone know of someone named Diva? [MOMO might actually look a little nervous...]
[ video | open ]
14 October 2010 at 06:21 pm
Does anyone know who this belongs to? [holding it up for the camera without the actual dog inside it]
[voice | action]
13 October 2010 at 07:08 pm
[Tamaki is at the butterfly pavillion right now, just watching the scenery and thinking about his plans for the Host Club. First and formost, he'd have to get more members. With so many girls in the prison just three hosts just wouldn't do.]

Hello, denizens of Marina Asylum. My name is Tamaki Suoh, and I am the soon to be king of Marina's first Host Club, a club dedicated to entertaining women in our free time. If you recall I sent out invitations to join me for a meeting pertaining to this, however I fell ill and was unable to hold it. I am sorry to those of you who were interested in attending.

I hope that there will be many of you interested in joining this club and helping me in my mission to make the lovely maidens here happy. If you wish to join please tell me or come join me under the butterfly pavillion where we may talk.
[ Voice ]
11 October 2010 at 11:19 pm
You know Acumen does make a very good point.

So what are you willing to give up for your freedom?
The 84th Day
11 October 2010 at 11:10 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 84th day of the third generation.

There is an issue that I would hear all of your opinions on, one regarding some inmate reactions to the blackout that occurred the night before last. It is imperative that you all understand that such events will naturally happen, so long as inmates have the free reign that they do. The only fail-safe method to ensure that nothing goes wrong is to reduce or remove that freedom.

So then, inmates of Marina Asylum, should the trust and freedom given to you be limited in exchange for a more smoothly operated system and facility? Or are some of you content to endure through some inconveniences, and retain the leniency you have now?

Inmates Fai D. Flourite and Toothless, your requests can be found at the entrance to Sector 0. Inmate Kefka Palazzo, your request will delivered by a remote unit.
10 October 2010 at 08:41 pm
[ Zelman's just chilling in the laundry room with his bro-bots. There's a mess of clothes on the floor in front of his feet, but he's not showing any undue interest in picking them up. He's already washed some of your laundry dammit. :< ]

[ one of the bots prod him just before he closes his eyes ]

...Nosy little fellow aren't you. [ uses his free foot to nudge it away from him ]

[ooc: closed thread with Saki. anyone else can poke in and use this post as their inmate laundry chore mingle thing. :o]
[Action | Audio | Open]
08 October 2010 at 11:05 pm
[Open Action | Mostly her musing] )

[Clearing her throat, Yuuki's voice is soft. It echoes gently on the network, not demanding or even accusatory. Just curious.]

Do you believe that...you should be here? That you, and possibly everyone else, deserves this place as a punishment?

[She has her own definite opinions, just as everyone else. She isn't here tonight to judge others for possibly having different thoughts and beliefs from herself. But-- she wants to know.]

[OOC: You can catch her on her way from the convenience store back to sector 4, or just do audio. ^^]
07 October 2010 at 07:00 pm
[Fletcher sounds groggy, like he's just waking up. Yes, in the middle of the afternoon.] Why do those monsters keep showing up...? Someone has to know why, right? I mean-- someone has to have made them...
[action | open]
07 October 2010 at 01:13 pm
[Rolo has spent most of his afternoon sleeping, and is a little displeased by this fact. He's still groggy as he's found his way to the kitchen in the shelter, hungry enough to set other matters aside for the moment.

The contents of the refrigerator are... disturbing. He shuts the door again immediately.

Anyone who wanders into the kitchen now will find him searching through the cabinet with a deep frown on his face.]
05 October 2010 at 10:30 pm
[ the first thing that stands out is his face. he's very, very pale - beautiful even - except it's marred by his cold expression. in contrast, there's an amused lilt to his tone, effectively masking his irritation and annoyance ]

And here I was expecting garlic and crosses. Extra points for location though. Restraint...not so much. But I'm sure the warden will have plenty of time to improve -- as well as plenty of people to practice on.

[ a heavy rustle as he inspects the chain and the basket. conversationally- ] Though it should remember...He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome; for he is still an enemy.

[ pensive, taut silence and he chuckles. ] Fitting. With that in mind... [ trails off. he's obviously not going to finish that sentence. shifts ]

I probably shouldn't be bothering, but I thought it would be rude to go on unannounced. Seeing as I have enough time on hand, anyone care to introduce themselves?

[[sitting on one of the couches in the shelter! just...chilling...8)]]