[ voice/action | open ]
23 November 2010 at 11:10 am
[Midori's down in the shelter dining area, eating a very theoretical breakfast. Still a bit sick, the sight of it makes her feel queasy -- and slightly green -- so she simply makes a show of picking at it. By now the entire pancake has been torn apart, her fork scraping at the plate and leaving traces in the thin film of syrup.]

I hope I didn't miss anything exciting. [Completely earnestly, if a bit less energetic than normal. Touma was...]
[Action | Open] Backdated to evening
21 November 2010 at 08:49 pm
[In a rare moment of consideration, Cross is on his way to Midori's room. She's been sick and moping long enough, and he's going to get her out of bed. He needs some sewing done. :| ]

((OOC: catch him anywhere roaming around the shelter and surrounding areas, if you want~))
18 November 2010 at 02:31 pm
[...it's almost dinnertime, but her house is so empty. She doesn't like being alone in it, even with Edward for company, so... umm... NETWORK POST TIME]

I can't believe we let Halloween go by without telling any scary stories! I mean, I guess I can, since we were all busy and the day before was pretty scary, but -- does anyone know any fun scary stories they could tell? Am I the only one who missed having them?

[private // Ushiro, Rayflo]
How are you...? It's been a little while since I've talked to you.
[voice | OPEN]
16 November 2010 at 06:47 pm

[Why won't you answer meeee?]

Does somebody know where Acumen went? I wanna talk to him 'bout the baby making thing! I saw a whooooole lot of you doin' that stuff before!

Like silly ghost lady! And Lacus lady! Did Orihime have sex too?


[We all know how you'd like to stop him from reading down his list of people he knows had sex that one fateful night, but consider this: GIR has proof that sex makes you happy! And it's safe too! Perhaps he can be a spokesperson. Likely as not.]
[ voice / action | open ]
26 October 2010 at 09:50 pm
[She's been doing as Jun said and hasn't ventured outside, instead having gathered all the flashlights she could find and made sure the shelter's first floor common area was well lit. Hopefully none of the batteries will run out...]

If anyone needs healing, come to the shelter! [THAT MEANS YOU, JUN.]
[Action|Accidental Video|Open]
26 October 2010 at 02:50 pm
[The video clicks on with a loud crash. After a moment or two of static--that is probably due to the face Jun just hit a wall--the video clears up with the communicator on the ground. When it clears, it's staring up...and up...at a terrible, stitched thing with way too many arms and heads and everythings. There's a very close view, because said thing is trying to pin Jun down, to get to pulling him apart.]

Gu---ahhhh! [There's a sickening popping noise as his shoulder dislocates, but he manages to get a hand free--and snarls, a strange ring to his voice.]

Get off of me!

[The screen goes white in a brilliant flash of light, and there's a scrabbling sound as the communicator is picked up, before the video is turned off.]

[ooc: While the communicator is off, Jun's dialogue is in Japanese, but the intent should still be pretty clear. :Db]
[video | open]
25 October 2010 at 07:12 pm

[Watch as GIR runs about and screeches frantically on the screen]
[Class | Backdated to 3-4pm | Athletic Complex]
21 October 2010 at 11:51 pm
[Today, Ribbons had foregone the sporty attire and had on more of an academic attire. Which is just fitting as the first forty minutes of today's dance class is comprised of an overview of ballroom dancing etiquette -- from asking someone to dance, to being modest and never blaming one's partner for misshaps. The last twenty minutes are given to applying the lesson, and of course, practice dancing.]

(( ooc: Kindly put in the subject headers if it's [Lecture] (if your pup has questions or in need of clarifications) or [Dance] (in which case, please indicate whether you want to dance with Ribbons or Hiling. Bringing your own partner & making your own dance thread is also encouraged :D! Just note if you need any of the instructors to intervene. ))
20 October 2010 at 08:19 pm
[A few blocks down from the clothing store, around a corner, is a lovely white two-story building with a blue awning over the long from windows.

This is the Boutique and currently the sigh of Josak preparing for the arrivals of the models and other designers. They have less than a day to get everything just right and the girls also have their spa. Time management is so important.

Structured chaos is what he's expecting.]

{OOC: For this post, models will be getting fitted and choosing which outfits they'll wear, designers will finish the touches on their collections, and any volunteers will be finishing with decorations and making the catwalk behind the building look fabulous. Please put what your character is there for in the header! Model, Designer, Volunteer, etc. Event style posting, please interact with each other.

And if you haven't signed up your character, please do so! It gives us/me a better idea of who's involved and how.}
[ video / action | open ]
19 October 2010 at 10:26 pm
[Pointed wave at the camera, and then it zooms out to show the mostly empty indoor pool inside the athletic complex.] Does anyone want to go swimming?

[There's a bright towel around her shoulders and her hair is pinned up with chopsticks, as she sits at the pool's edge and kicks at the water with her feet. Yes, she could swim alone, but what's the fun in that?]
[open action || video filtered away from Kaoru]
19 October 2010 at 01:15 pm
[Hikaru is in the park with a leashed Chanel, the light colored ferret, quietly working on a little project while letting the ferret run around freely to an extent. Despite how often he spoke badly of this place, he's been pretty content the last few days. The changing of the seasons was always really pretty, and he felt inspired. It must be his interest in art and beauty.

He set up what appeared to be a little picnic by one of the trees, except that along with his lunch bag were flowers surrounding him as he was working on something that was on it's way to becoming this. The days here were always weird and short, however he remembered when Kaoru first got here, it was fall. So if that was any indication...]

I really am lucky.

[Hikaru picked up Chanel, cuddling for a bit before stopping his work as he decided it was time for him and Chanel to have a little break time!]

[ooc: A note was left for Kaoru that reads:

"Going for a walk and taking Chanel with me. ☆ I told Coco to be nice and give you lots of cuddles while I'm gone!

♥ Hikaru"
[Action | Closed] Late evening
17 October 2010 at 04:18 pm
[As soon as dinner's over, Lacus moves upstairs and sets to make their master bath into a spa-like environment for herself and Midori. She's busy running a bath and might not hear the knock...]
[filtered from noah/video] dated to early evening
15 October 2010 at 09:10 pm
Good evening to both old, as well as new inmates. Hopefully all those who have arrived have grown somewhat adjusted to the environment here despite the startling circumstances. [ politeness aside -- he clears his throat. ]

My name is Howard Link and I am an inspector for the Central Branch of the Vatican. Currently my assignment is to act as an escort for Allen Walker for an undetermined duration of time -- time that I am expected to keep even here. Thus, I would like to know all of those here who are acquainted with him. Just names will be sufficient.

Thank you in advance.

[[ooc: Link wants to know all about your CR with Allen 8). feel free to threadjack everywhere.]]
[ action ]
15 October 2010 at 04:23 pm
[Note to self: never bring cookies -- or cupcakes, or muffins, or anything conceivably baked -- to crazy clowns again.]

[Midori's back in the empty shelter kitchen. Most of the cookies had been eaten while she had been gone, she's pleased to note, but there are a few here and there. Those, she packs up in a tupperware container, not bothering to save the "special" ones, instead dumping them into the garbage.]

[Rethinking it, she pulls one cookie out of the tupperware container and starts to set it on a small plate.]

[It's a bit odd, the unchildish set of her mouth and the way her hands seem to be second guessing themselves.]

((OOC: Closed thread with Cross; anyone wanting to save the cookies from the horrors of freezer burn otherwise welcome.))
[Video | Open] Nightfall
15 October 2010 at 11:48 am
[Those of you who are outside at nightfall and expecting the regular moonrise and starscape are in for a surprise. Rather than the moon, what rises in the night sky is a much larger Earth, backlit by the sun. Also visible are what might seem a strange sight... jutting out from Earth in three locations (two of which are visible at present) are the orbital elevators, long slender tubes for transporting people into space en masse. Each elevator ends in a base where there are many solar cells to collect sunlight for energy.]

[On the video, Lacus is smiling pleasantly, the Earth rising behind her in the sky.]
Good evening, Marina. A request to show the view from Earth's moon in the night sky has led me to change the usual star projections for tonight. For those of us who miss this sight, I hope it will make you smile. For those who never were able to experience space travel, I hope you enjoy the view.
Action / Sort of open
14 October 2010 at 05:18 pm
[There were good things and bad things that came along with being locked in confinement for an undetermined amount of time. Not coming in contact with anyone for a while has done wonders for Kefka’s blood pressure, but not being able to use his powers and only having the company of those annoying robots raised it right back up. Combining the two was definitely not a good idea, but here he is, waiting for a certain someone to come by with cookies.

At least they would be a nice change from the boring prison food. He didn’t think he could hate anything more than he does now, but boy was he wrong! Having something different might make him pleasant. Don’t count on it, despite requesting them oh-so nicely.]
[ action / video | open ]
13 October 2010 at 09:13 pm
Guess what, Marina! I made cookies!

[Panning the camera down to show seven separate plates of sugar cookies. The keenly trained eye will notice that on one plate, the cookies are about twice as big as all the others and stuck together.]

Unless you're Terezi and friends, it's first come, first serve! Come to the shelter's kitchen~
[action, video | open]
13 October 2010 at 01:51 pm
[Have a video of Jessica reaching into her cleavage and pulling out a frying pan so that she can shake it a bit at the screen]

I was told to contact the Defense Force to get a hand on a gun~ As you can probably tell, there isn't much a girl can do to protect herself with just this silly thing in hand.

[You can find Jessica walking around just about anywhere today, really, from the park to the beach and the school, just checking things out for herself. Feel free to stop and chat with her if you'd like.]
[Class | Backdated to 9 AM]
13 October 2010 at 11:57 am
[For those who come to science class today, congratulations! You get to deal with a grumpier-than-normal science teacher.]

Today we'll be covering the basics of the periodic table. You will be expected to know what each portion of the labels signify. There will be a quiz on this a few class periods from now.
[ action ]
11 October 2010 at 10:20 pm
[Midori's relaxing by the new pond, sketchbook balanced on her knees as she sketches a series of intricate lines. She told Josak she'd stop by in the afternoon to show him her ideas for the boutique's clothing lines, but aside from a certain coat (that went through about sixteen different designs), all of her inspiration has come from fashion magazines.]

[Come interrupt her! She doesn't mind.]