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January 9th, 2014

[info]desertsflower in [info]mandalus

[ open broadcast ]

Honored Guests. I apologize for calling attention from your daily duties.

[ Princess Iafara of the C'Meni is standing in a large underground area with the police-military of Mandalus. Her hands are on her hips as people move in the background in suits, almost as if they are at a crime scene. ]

For those who have found their way here into the city, I am Princess Iafara. I lead the group of survivors from beyond the city's barrier. By your efforts, the remainder of my people have been brought from the Crater as well as C'Vorti. For that, I would like to personally thank every one of you. And welcome those of our new Guests who have come to the city.

[ She turns her head towards what looks like a broken down door behind her. ] The Mandalian Scientists were able to locate this as the source of the tremor and earthquakes that hit the city last week. The epicenter of the larger earthquake was here as well, but there is no damage to the area. I thought that everyone would like to know what we have been doing here in the Spaceport.

[ Iafara raises her hand and gestures to the room she is in. ] This temple was once known as A'Vylin. It was stated to be a place of high worship for our gods in the time before Mes'Klou came. It, along with the rest of our culture, has fallen to ruin and mystery. Much has been lost of our culture, especially to the Mandalians. My people are deeply spiritual and religious... which perhaps is why we were able to recognize M'Veni Kreyus for what he was. He has been quiet since his arrival, and I am no priestess. Communicating with gods was never a strong suit of mine. Even more so because our gods have been silent for so long.

[ With a glance to the man behind the camera, Iafara nods and points to the room behind the broken wall. ] Those who are interested in exploring A'Vylin are more than welcome to join my scientists and I. However, we do ask that you be reverent and respectful to our culture.

As for other matters? I will be more than willing to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you, Honored Guests. Not only for your time but your continued support in this war.