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January 8th, 2014

[info]knightofcosmos in [info]mandalus


[The feed turns on and there is total confusion as the feed turns on. There are holiday decorations that once looked so well put together, but now are hopelessly entangled about the horns.]

I was told that all I should take these down. And yet it appears that they have seen fit to try and turn me into a tree.

[With a sigh, the feed turns off.]

[info]superiorities in [info]mandalus

video; locked (backdated to the weekend)

[So this would be the first time he's done this properly, the first time he'd addressed the network. It was funny, really, considering he was no stranger to addressing people. But this was different, of course, because these people, the so-called Honoured Guests, were supposed to be his comrades, his fellow soldiers. He didn't feel particularly inspired by their work so far.

But he also knew they weren't all just a bunch of humans, there were some interesting, different people out there. Gods, too. Or people considered gods, anyway. Useful people.

So the feed clicks on, and Khan is standing in his quarters aboard the Vengeance, with a window behind him that shows the apparently never ending snow storm.]
Many of you have been here for a long time, do any of you know about Ardon and the weapons he created for the System's war effort? Or his Horseman? [He knows there's some people out there who must've been interested in that last part, if nothing else.

And he's not going to bother with pleasantries, either, he'll thank whoever gives him information.

[Filtered away from the C'Meni, locked to the Honoured Guests.]

The C'Meni have taken the Ardon Enterprises building, but I want to explore it, to see what Ardon was doing. [And to see if there's anything there Khan could use for the little project he's been working on.] I'm looking for a few people to come with me, I have a way to get in undetected.