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February 24th, 2011

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]fissurescomm

§ four;

While attempting to hunt down the alleged 'best mangos in the Hub', I entered a town that appears to be perpetually stuck in Valentine's Day. I thought their calendars were off, but apparently the spectacle was a daily occurrence. I would have thought it was cute once, but now

I did get my mangos, but not before being drug into an impromptu parade and propositioned with paper hearts. And then I ran into a low-hanging tree branch.

Can I skip the rest of today, please?

[info]inhisfootsteps in [info]fissurescomm

❂ nine;

If holiday towns are out there, then I want a Pie Town.

[ visible to BUFFY; ]
You busy this weekend?

[info]_thatswhatido in [info]fissurescomm

Spencer [oo3]

I need a name for a female German Shepard. I've been adopted.

[info]thricedefied in [info]fissurescomm

╰⊰✿ six;

It's still so odd to think that I could walk to the edge of London, though it isn't entirely London, and find a completely different view or climate than was there last week, but it's the reality of this place.

It would help if there was a way to put in a request. If there was, I'd request a warm beach.

[ visible to JAMES; ]
I think it's time to tell both of them about everything - the books, the movies, all of it. We can't hope to avoid it all forever.
[ visible to HARRY, SIRIUS, JAMES; ]
Even if a beach won't show up on the outskirts, I think we ought to go to one. We could take a picnic and make a day of it.
[ visible to SIRIUS; ]
It'd do you some good, you know, the wide open spaces, and there'd be more room to run than the garden. And we'd all be right there.