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September 7th, 2010

[info]dragonwhispered in [info]fissurescomm

All right, so I sort of walked until I found a city, which I am informed is called "L.A." or "Los Angeles," neither of which mean anything to me. I don't think I'm going to stay for very long. My tribe only has a few hundred people in it, most tribes do and we don't see much of the others, and it's sort of unsettling to be in a hive of activity. I have trauma, okay? The last time I was in a place this full of life was very upsetting and some dragons got eaten.

No dragons so far, by the way, anywhere. I don't like that.

So yes. I'm staying here a little longer while people explain all of this to me, and then I'm going to go find a nice, quiet village and stay there until I can figure out how to get home, or else how to bring the entire island and all its inhabits here. Is that selfish, wanting all of them to be here? I mean, this place is nuts, but it's not bad. I just don't want to be somehow alone and surrounded by crowds at the same time.

Also. Is there anyone in L.A. who can help me? I sort of fell in a pond (please don't ask) and my leg's getting all rusty, and I don't know where to find something to fix it, or even what I should be asking for. I know what I'd call it, but there's all sorts of different technology here and there might be something better. Also, I am having some pretty severe communication issues. Not that I don't speak In-glish - I mean, we call it something different, but somehow my words sound a lot like most people's words, I am going to chalk it up to very lucky - but apparently my accent is weird? Or something? People keep looking at me funny and I have resorted to wild hand gestures and saying "No, I want the thing with the thing!" And they're all "what, this thing?" and I'm like "How can dragons understand me better than you can? No, that thing!"

Of course, writing at them in this thing would work perfectly, but I don't exactly want the whole world seeing one-half of my conversations with shopkeepers. It's bad enough that everyone at home thinks I'm weird.