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September 3rd, 2010

[info]pawsoffury in [info]fissurescomm

sirius black ; oo1

[...] Anyone know where I can find food around here? I’m starving. And if I’m dead, I think there should be good food available Or if this is a dream. Probably a dream. Afterlife wouldn’t have me snuggling with a kitten, would it? And I don’t feel dead Not that I know where “here” is. But I mean. At all. I’m dead or dreaming and writing in a journal how does that even make any fucking sense ohoho it doesn’t I could eat leaves but I’d rather not.

Not that I mind being in the middle of no where. No where's better than some somewheres. Oh, no, you're not crazy, are you old chap? Nah, just fucking entirely But, uh, this somewhere could use a little [...] or a lot of explanation because I don’t think I’m supposed to be here. Not that I mind, as I said. Knowing why/how/etc wouldn’t go amiss at all, though.

If I’m dead James. Lily. You two are dead, are you around, being all dead afterlife like? [...] Then you’d know where there’s a fucking restaurant-

[info]amyamy in [info]fissurescomm

amy pond ; oo1.

[Swirly scribbles at the start of the entry as Amy was testing the pen]

Does this thing work? [...] Other people can read this, yeah? Alright then. My name is Amy Pond, and I am looking for a couple of boys who need to explain this right now, okay.

Firstly, a man in a bowtie and a tweed jacket. Brown hair, alien, 900-something years old. Calls himself the Doctor. Don’t listen to him, he’s not actually a doctor. Secondly, a man named Rory Williams, possibly dressed as a Roman soldier, brown hair, plastic. They may be accompanied by a blue telephone box. If seen, tell them Amy is looking for them. And will kick their backsides if they think they can just leave me here all by myself

Please and thanks, [...] book people!

[info]thricedefied in [info]fissurescomm

╰⊰✿ one;

I don't entirely understand what just happened, so I'd like to speak to someone who can tell me what is going on.

[info]stillwatersdeep in [info]fissurescomm

001. Regulus Black

Whichever lot of you kidnapped me, I don't think I deserve it, and I wish to go home immediately. My mother is ill and she needs me, and I have many important things to do. I have work. Please don't kill me, I don't want to die, I'm sorry

[info]_thatswhatido in [info]fissurescomm

Spencer [oo1]

Day's bad enough and then someone's gotta go make it worse. Someone better start talking now.

Hardison, if this is some idea of yours, I'm leaving your ass out in the woods with the redneck militia next time.

[info]dragonwhispered in [info]fissurescomm

001. Hiccup

Well, this could be a problem. I don't like to brag about being a hero because, let's face it, I'm nothing without my dragon - and guess what I don't have? My dragon.

Is anyone writing in this thing from a tribe I'd recognize? I'm Hiccup from the Isle of Berk. Yeah, I know. What can I say? I didn't name myself.

[info]angelblood in [info]fissurescomm

✝ Entry: 001

If I'm going to be kidnapped, again, this time they could have at least waited until I was done killing that Fyarl Demon.

Lets talk about how unimpressed I am by this. Stealing someone elses gig is boring.