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Elric Apartments

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[Mar. 19th, 2013|02:34 pm]

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Sandra led Hohenheim up to the house in the apartment grounds, casting out for the thoughts inside the house. "Looks like everyone's home right now."

She heads up to the door and knocks, then stands back to wait.
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[Mar. 7th, 2013|08:33 pm]

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[Current Mood |uncomfortable]

Sometime later in the day, after Alphonse had gotten home and had time to unwind from his day, he and Edward went over to the office.

Ed was the one to knock on the door and open it. "Hi. Uh, I took the time to talk to Al about what had been bugging me and your offer."

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Apple Trees Are Yay. [Jun. 5th, 2012|10:50 pm]

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[Current Mood |energetic]

It's a few days into the LOL and by now, the Collective have decided they can trust Ed to behave and not get into too much trouble without supervision. So after extracting a promise from him that he wouldn't leave the grounds, they let him go outside to play without adult supervision although with Maes along to keep a watchful eye out.

Which is why he's climbed an apple tree and is considering if he wants to try eating one to see if it still tastes good even though they're still only about half-grown and aren't even close to changing color.

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More trollage [Mar. 30th, 2012|10:27 pm]

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Edward is inviting himself over to the Collective's house for a visit. He genuinely does want to visit and see how everyone's doing, but he also has an ulterior motive.

He knocks on the door.
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[Mar. 13th, 2012|12:29 am]

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[Current Mood |calm]

After pointing things out outside, Al takes the new alts into the first apartment building to go upstairs.

"Ed, I'm telling you right now that Dad's likely also in the apartment assuming he isn't out doing something. So behave," he warns before knocking on the door.

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Moving day for the Collective! [Nov. 2nd, 2011|06:21 pm]

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Moving day was finally here, and Sarah was pretty glad for it. It would be nice to not be tripping over boxes and flailing over what got packed and what didn't and god damnit guys she told you she needed that for tomorrow, and--


Everyone was here today to get everything hauled over and arranged and fussed at to their liking. Boxes were being piled in a vaguely organized way, hopefully leaving enough room for furniture to get in, and Sarah was very glad her husbands kept at her with her strength training. This was enough hauling to wear out anyone!
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[Oct. 22nd, 2011|10:53 pm]

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[Current Mood |indescribable]

Some time in the morning, after assuring his brother that he wouldn't be gone long, Al headed out onto the grounds to look for the office.

It doesn't take him long and he soon knocks on the door and then waits patiently for a response. The landlord shouldn't have any trouble recognizing the sound of the knock.

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In which Ed hates Envy! (p.s. that is every day) [Jul. 30th, 2011|12:33 am]

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Ed arrives back on the grounds in a fury, PINing back from the Sign near the landlord's office. He barely resists the urge to just...lash out at something, anything, and get his mind into some form of coherency before going to talk to Edward about this new complication in the Nexus.

If this influx of Envies turns into a trend, he is going to have WORDS with the multiverse.

After a minute or so of standing outside and seething with rage, he goes over to the office and opens the door. "We have a problem."
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Rolling Out. [Jun. 14th, 2011|11:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |predatory]

After things had been decided on, people scattered to their homes with plans to meet back up the next day. It is now the next day and people are trickling in to Edwards office to make sure everyone's clear on what they're doing and to get ready to move out.

Al was one of the first people there.

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Stop! Strategy time! [Jun. 13th, 2011|09:31 pm]

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Edward unlocks the office door at about a quarter to eight, leaving it open for people to get in. He's expecting Roy and Aion and one of his alternates and the homunculus Edward's brother, that he knows of. Russell will come in through the front door, since he's in the same building.

That should be everyone.
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[May. 20th, 2011|10:26 pm]

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Tsuri popped out of between onto the apartment grounds with a loud screech, veering straight towards the closest of the 'protector' Edwards while psychically pounding anyone even half-way empathic on the grounds with the psychic equivalent of an airhorn of panic and distress, and a mishmash of images of what just happened.
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Community BBQ! [Jul. 31st, 2010|08:07 pm]

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The grills are set up and cooking up all sorts of goodies, like burgers, brats, and chicken, and residents have started setting out their own contributions.

So come on, people, mingle!
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Open Post [Jul. 15th, 2010|11:13 pm]

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Well, residents, this is something you never thought you'd see. In the gardens, on one of the benches, is a young man, about twenty-one or so, with short, slicked back brown hair and a pair of glasses. In his lap is an open Bible and wrapped around one hand is a rosary with a shining red stone in the center of the cross. The man has a white collar underneath the collar of his shirt, indicating that he's a priest. Under the collar is evidence of a necklace chain.

So who wants to harass the neighborly priest?
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