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Elric Apartments

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[Oct. 22nd, 2011|10:53 pm]

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[Current Mood |indescribable]

Some time in the morning, after assuring his brother that he wouldn't be gone long, Al headed out onto the grounds to look for the office.

It doesn't take him long and he soon knocks on the door and then waits patiently for a response. The landlord shouldn't have any trouble recognizing the sound of the knock.

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Attempting To Retrieve A Stolen Pet. [Oct. 11th, 2011|09:48 pm]

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[Current Mood |angry]

When Envy discovered his pet gone, he smashed things in rage, swearing that he'd get him back and make whoever took and sheltered him sorry.

After a day or two, he traveled to the Nexus to search for him. He had a pretty good idea of where Ed had been taken and started watching the grounds for a clue to his whereabouts.

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Causing trouble. [Oct. 2nd, 2011|10:07 pm]

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Edward has a stealth suit for a few days while his wife and Roy's practice with those guns.

And Edward knows just how to use it.

He suits up in his bedroom and heads off, making his way to building two, where he uses his landlord key to open the door to his homunculus alternate's apartment. This is where she'd been staying, last Edward knew.

Prepare for a poltergeist, Sarah. 8D
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Rolling Out. [Jun. 14th, 2011|11:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |predatory]

After things had been decided on, people scattered to their homes with plans to meet back up the next day. It is now the next day and people are trickling in to Edwards office to make sure everyone's clear on what they're doing and to get ready to move out.

Al was one of the first people there.

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[May. 23rd, 2011|04:49 pm]

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Sarah PINs into her younger husband's apartment, breathing a small sigh of relief to be out of that house. She wouldn't be completely relieved until the rest of her family was back, but...well, regardless of whether she was certain to be rescued one way or another, she is rather glad Dante didn't do more than just order her to a room. Most other possibilities were less than pleasant.

Stepping out into the hall, Tsuri firmly wrapped around her neck, she heads down to the other husband's door and knocks. "Ed, it's me!"
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[May. 20th, 2011|10:26 pm]

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Tsuri popped out of between onto the apartment grounds with a loud screech, veering straight towards the closest of the 'protector' Edwards while psychically pounding anyone even half-way empathic on the grounds with the psychic equivalent of an airhorn of panic and distress, and a mishmash of images of what just happened.
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