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Elric Apartments

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[May. 23rd, 2011|04:49 pm]

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Sarah PINs into her younger husband's apartment, breathing a small sigh of relief to be out of that house. She wouldn't be completely relieved until the rest of her family was back, but...well, regardless of whether she was certain to be rescued one way or another, she is rather glad Dante didn't do more than just order her to a room. Most other possibilities were less than pleasant.

Stepping out into the hall, Tsuri firmly wrapped around her neck, she heads down to the other husband's door and knocks. "Ed, it's me!"
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[May. 20th, 2011|10:26 pm]

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Tsuri popped out of between onto the apartment grounds with a loud screech, veering straight towards the closest of the 'protector' Edwards while psychically pounding anyone even half-way empathic on the grounds with the psychic equivalent of an airhorn of panic and distress, and a mishmash of images of what just happened.
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