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Elric Apartments

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[Oct. 22nd, 2011|10:53 pm]

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[Current Mood |indescribable]

Some time in the morning, after assuring his brother that he wouldn't be gone long, Al headed out onto the grounds to look for the office.

It doesn't take him long and he soon knocks on the door and then waits patiently for a response. The landlord shouldn't have any trouble recognizing the sound of the knock.

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Rolling Out. [Jun. 14th, 2011|11:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |predatory]

After things had been decided on, people scattered to their homes with plans to meet back up the next day. It is now the next day and people are trickling in to Edwards office to make sure everyone's clear on what they're doing and to get ready to move out.

Al was one of the first people there.

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Stop! Strategy time! [Jun. 13th, 2011|09:31 pm]

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Edward unlocks the office door at about a quarter to eight, leaving it open for people to get in. He's expecting Roy and Aion and one of his alternates and the homunculus Edward's brother, that he knows of. Russell will come in through the front door, since he's in the same building.

That should be everyone.
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A potential immigrant arrives [Jun. 4th, 2011|03:52 am]

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It's... the only word for it is shiny, Simon. There's technology there I never thought possible!

There may also be somethere there that would help your sister.

Book's right. I won't deny you've come in handy a few times, but that place would be out of reach and you'd be safe.

You want us to go there.

It's your call. I'm just saying it might not be a bad idea to consider it.

It's kind of a permanent decision, isn't it?

No more permanent than kidnapping your sister and becoming a fugitive.


Wait, Mal, we could get one of those 'porter things, those PINs, they called them. Simon could use that to return to the Serenity whenever he wants, right?

I suppose there is that. Wash?

That wouldn't work. They use coordinates, don't they? We're always moving around. Unless there's a way to get that thing to zero in on the ship no matter were we are, I can't see how that would work.

If I might offer a suggestion?

Suggest away, Shepherd.

We will be here for a few days longer, if I understand the situation correctly?

At least a week. We need to wait for the second part of the shipment to get here, and it's been delayed.

Simon, why don't you take a few days, you can spend the days there in the Nexus, look around, find out about the place and get a feel of things, and I'll watch your sister for you. You can see what it has to offer, and make your decision then.

We can still come back here though, right, Mal?

I don't know when we'll be back in these parts, but yeah, Kaylee. If the portal's still here, we'll come by and see if you're still wanting to stay there.

I'll look at those PINs. We might be able to use it to get there at least, even if he can't use it to return to Serenity. The Nexus isn't moving around. I need to find out what kind of range those have first.

Yeah, wouldn't want that thing to up and drop us halfway between here and who the hell knows where.

Fine. I'll go look at this place. You're not leaving without me, right?

Well, shit. He went and uncovered our plan.

Jayne. Like I said, we'll be here at least a week. And River's staying on board till you decide. I'm not about to up and go running off without her babysitter.

As Simon Tam walked around the Nexus, a small overnight bag on his shoulder, the conversation he'd had over dinner with the crew of the Serenity kept playing over in his mind, along with all the cons arguing with the pros the others had pointed out, Shepherd Book in particular.

He admitted he might not even consider checking the place out at all if not for the majority of the sound reasoning coming from Book. Anyone else, he'd be suspicious of ulterior motives, but he knew that Book, regardless of what secrets the man might be hiding, did seem to genuinely care about River.

And he was right; if they did move here, it would put River out of reach of the Alliance. From what he'd been told, even if they did discover the Nexus, as long as River remained within a certain area of the place, they would be powerless to even try to take her back, let alone hurt her in any manner.

That was the most tempting prospect.

Book had mentioned after dinner that he'd asked around about permanent residences in case Simon agreed to at least consider this as an option, and he stopped in front of the two brick buildings, looking at the directions and description Book had written down.

The sign above the office door simply said "Elric Apartments", and the door sported a smaller sign which indicated they were open. The grounds were well cared for, and the presence of a few toys on the walks told him that children lived there. He could make out greenhouses and growing plants on the roof, and a larger building without a sign stood a bit further away, and it looked like offices, or some sort of a professional building.

He opened the door and stuck his head inside. "Hello?"
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[Jun. 19th, 2010|07:13 pm]

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Sarah PINs in directly from the question area to her apartment, taking several minutes to have a very quiet and very, very needed freak out. After about ten minutes she knocks on the door to her homunculus fiancee's apartment, finally calm enough to hopefully not make him freak out any more than he already will at this news.

Oh God oh God oh God whyyyyyyy.
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Newcomers, newcomers [Dec. 6th, 2009|11:36 pm]

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So things have gotten exciting around the Elric apartments again. Or at least around the clinic, and Edward swears someday he will get a new building up for the clinic's exclusive use. Just... he has to figure out whether he'll contact the Gate about repairing his heart or not. He really needs to do that someday.

But in the meantime, he's got a new resident that's there for the duration of his treatment under Winry and Russell's practiced care, and there's also a new alt who's going to be staying at the clinic for awhile until she recovers from her surgery enough to either go home- assuming they find her portal before that- or to a place of her own while she waits.

Of course, Edward doesn't know about that second new sorta-resident yet. He's about to, as the phone to the home line rings. Caller ID says "Russell Tringham - Cell," which tells him there's something up at the clinic. Edward grabs the extension, waving off his little brother who'd started to reach for it first. "Hey, Tringham, what'd you need?"
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We gotta get outta this place [Dec. 4th, 2009|09:29 pm]

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((Locked to [info]wortcunning, [info]supermans_dead, and [info]lost_myself for the first part. Locked to [info]wortcunning, [info]haganenomore, and [info]puddle_of_grace for the second part.))

Winry deposited her bags from the market on the kitchen counter of her apartment once she got home. "Sheska, can you put the groceries away?" she called into the spare room that acted as a library for Sheska's many, many books. "I have to get to the clinic, we've got a patient looking for some prescription refills."

She grabbed her cellphone while she talked, punching speed dial for Russell's cell.
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This is Halloween, everybody make a scene~ [Oct. 13th, 2009|08:30 pm]

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It's well into October now, month of ghosts and ghouls and other scary things, and Sarah has decided that the apartment complex is in need of some decorations. To get into the spirit, of course! There are of course several small cloth ghosts hanging from any tree branch or awning that Sarah and Tsuri could get to, as well as a few plastic pumpkin decorations sitting out on the front porches to both buildings (the real Jack-o-Lanterns will wait until they won't be rotting by Halloween).

There has, however, been a personal touch to one large decoration hanging from a tree nearest to the front gate. It's a largish cloth doll, crudely stitched together in resemblance to a certain incarnation of a common annoyance to the residents of the buildings, with several wooden spikes jammed into the torso and head of it. The sign hanging about its neck stating 'ROTTING BITCH' was a nice touch, if she does say so herself.

Sarah is sitting on the front porch of the second building at the moment, admiring her handiwork as she and her fire-lizard chow down on some pumpkin bread. Care to comment?
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((Open Post)) [Oct. 27th, 2008|02:17 pm]

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[Current Mood |restless]

Taking advantage of the fact that it's warmer than it had been for the past few days, Ed's sitting outside with a book, reading. Or at least supposedly reading. The attempt isn't going very well. His concentration is shot and he's feeling twitchy. And his ears keep twitching in assorted directions in response to random sounds. Anyone feel like providing a distraction?

((Trying to squeeze in a last use of this icon for the duration of the LOL.))

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