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Elric Apartments

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After speaking with Celena down at the sign, Shou takes her into a portal that just conveniently happens to open above the landlord's desk. She looks over at Celena, and smiles, making a gesture to allow her to do the honors of causing heart attacks.
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Bringing Lust to the Apartments [May. 5th, 2013|10:09 pm]

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With Ichirin playing puppet master for the captured homunculus, Murasa PIN'd them to the apartments, and led them over to the office. "Knock knock, boss dude. Hope you're not to busy."
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Breaking up the tedium [Apr. 19th, 2013|09:16 pm]

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"Ayaya...I'm so bored. With a capital B, O, R, E, D! There has to be something to do while the news is this slow." Aya says to herself, facedown on her desk. Then she gets an idea. An awful idea. Aya got a wonderful, awful idea. "I know just what I'll do!"

And with that, she got up, and left her apartment, stretching her arms as she did. Then, when she got outside, she took off in a flash, far faster then the eye can follow. She knocked once on the chief's office door, and seemingly vanished without a trace. Oh this is going to be so much fun!
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[Mar. 7th, 2013|08:33 pm]

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[Current Mood |uncomfortable]

Sometime later in the day, after Alphonse had gotten home and had time to unwind from his day, he and Edward went over to the office.

Ed was the one to knock on the door and open it. "Hi. Uh, I took the time to talk to Al about what had been bugging me and your offer."

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[Feb. 3rd, 2013|08:10 pm]

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Edward PINs himself and Izumi onto the grounds, and supports her as he leads the way over to the landlord's office, then knocks on the door.
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[Jan. 6th, 2013|12:56 am]

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[Current Mood |cold]

Some time after the talent show, Al decided to pay a visit to his landlord both to bring up giving his brother's alternate permission to know the code along with bringing up something else. May as well get multiple things accomplished in one trip.

When he got to the door of the office, he knocked to let Edward know he was there, and then quickly went in to get away from the cold, closing the door behind him. "Brr. Cold out there."

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The Talent Show [Dec. 22nd, 2012|07:44 pm]

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Everything had been set up, seats enough for everyone in the apartment, and then some. A special system was set up so that Ed could watch comfortably from the third floor of the temple, two speakers set up, as well as a monitor for him to view. A large stage had been set up on the grounds, and a large projector screen set up. Seems that the first event, the shooting competition would be taking place behind the temple actually, to make room for it. The shooting range was about 100 meters long, with rows of targets at 10, 30, 50, 75, and 100 meters. Contestants could use whatever small arms weapon they wanted, though for the sake of competition, no scopes were allowed.

Nazrin, Kyouko, and Kogasa were at the gates at the top of the steps, welcoming people as they arrived.
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[Nov. 25th, 2012|12:20 am]

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[Current Mood |okay]

Al had been thinking about certain things off and on, mostly prompted by the Gate Cat still hanging around the apartment, and the recent visit by Winry has solidified things in his mind.

Although first, before he starts making decisions, he wants to information gather. Along with passing on some information that he told his brother that he would.

Which is why he's now at the front door of apartment 3/4, knocking on it.

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Sign Up Day! [Nov. 3rd, 2012|10:12 pm]

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There's a bunch of small signs around the apartments, and a flyer for the Collective, (Canvasing compliments of Aya) indicating that it's time to sign up for the talent show! Please hop on over to the temple and sign up at the booth at the bottom of the stairs! Ichirin and Nazrin are running the table.

((Mun's Note: This is so I know for certain who's doing what, so I can finalize my planning on how to do this. I'll probably leave this open for the week.))
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[Oct. 30th, 2012|08:34 pm]

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You know, Edward, you really shouldn't invoke a devil, lest she appear.

Aya returned from Amestris, and, after a brief stop at the temple to grab some forms from them on an unrelated matter, headed over towards the office. As she approached, she could hear singing from inside the office. One voice she picked out immediately, and the other was unfamiliar. A woman's voice. But, more importantly, why in the world was the chief singing?

She knocks on the door.
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Tricking a certain Elric into what he's been avoiding [Oct. 29th, 2012|01:05 am]

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((:P I had this idea first, so there. I even talked to Caity about it. BEFORE the other thread. So there.))

Trisha was excited for this talent contest of the temple's. Oh, they were friendly sorts, bringing all sorts of excitement with them! First a fabulous feast, and now a talent show!

She decided right away she wanted to sing, and specifically, she wanted a duet with her son, the landlord. But how to convince him to sing? He had the voice for it, certainly, inherited it from her. She couldn't get her own boy to sacrifice his teenaged dignity to do it, but the landlord might cave.

She decided to have Al help her. Between his mother and his brother, that man didn't stand a chance.

She baked up an apple cake and chocolate chip cookies to butter the boys up- their favorites- and headed downstairs, knocking on the door to the landlord's apartment.
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Preparing for a threat [May. 25th, 2012|10:03 pm]

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Shou knocked on the office door, looking a bit upset. Mokou had reported to her what happened at the sign, and this put Shou on edge. Though she was more then capable of dealing with the situation by herself, this is an Elric issue as much as it is security, so she wanted his input on the matter. "Edward? It's Shou."
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Looking for Elf Dancer-mage [May. 21st, 2012|08:37 pm]
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Georgia knocked on the landlord's office. "Edward? You around?"
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Christmas...in May? [Apr. 25th, 2012|09:59 pm]

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Shou had been talking to the gate for a long time, and decided she was going to play santa claus. She knew that Christmas was on the twenty fifth, she just didn't know what month. So she decided just to wing it and give presents anyway. And she had certainly spared no expense in doing so. The first person on her list was of course, the Landlord, because he just loves being bothered.

So, using her new powers, she sticks her head out of the ceiling above him, and looks down, grinning.
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Apologies in a roundabout manner [Apr. 15th, 2012|08:44 pm]

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No way is Edward ever going to admit that he sicced that crow on the Collective family, but he still feels bad about Derpy's disappearance. Fortunately, Edward had squirreled away the name of the pony Aya took of with and went home to his nieces and enlisted their help in finding him a picture of this Derpy pony.

The next day, Edward wraps up the completed, newly-made Derpy Hooves pony and heads over to the house. He knocks on the door. "Sarah, you home?" he calls, hiding the wrapped package behind his back.
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Getting a new start [Apr. 15th, 2012|07:43 pm]

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Mokou waited a long time before finally going to visit the landlord after the feast. She was a common sight on the benches of the apartments, but spoke little. Finally, after a week or two, she got up, and knocked on his door. "Yo, anyone home?"
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More trollage [Mar. 30th, 2012|10:27 pm]

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Edward is inviting himself over to the Collective's house for a visit. He genuinely does want to visit and see how everyone's doing, but he also has an ulterior motive.

He knocks on the door.
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((For supermans_dead.)) [Mar. 29th, 2012|11:58 pm]

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After a few days of thinking things over and talking to his brother, Al makes his way out of the hospital and to the office.

When he reaches it, he knocks on the door and waits patiently for Edward to answer, leaning on his cane.

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Moving On [Mar. 25th, 2012|01:12 am]

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Now that Shou was up and healed, Momiji's time as a security guard was at it's end. Something kept tugging at her though, and it bothered her, even as she said her goodbyes. It wasn't but a few minutes after she left that someone, or at least something came back through.

Minutes later, a certain landlord might hear an annoying cawing at the window to his office.
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Putting An Apartment On Reserve. [Feb. 27th, 2012|08:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |calm]

A day or two after his talk with his boyfriend about doing this, Alfons went into the Nexus with Al in tow in order to visit the landlord of the Elric Apartments.

"This is where we're planning to move to," Alfons tells Al at the edge of the grounds. "The office is this way."

A few minutes later, they're there and Alfons is knocking on the door.

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