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Elric Apartments

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The Talent Show [Dec. 22nd, 2012|07:44 pm]

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Everything had been set up, seats enough for everyone in the apartment, and then some. A special system was set up so that Ed could watch comfortably from the third floor of the temple, two speakers set up, as well as a monitor for him to view. A large stage had been set up on the grounds, and a large projector screen set up. Seems that the first event, the shooting competition would be taking place behind the temple actually, to make room for it. The shooting range was about 100 meters long, with rows of targets at 10, 30, 50, 75, and 100 meters. Contestants could use whatever small arms weapon they wanted, though for the sake of competition, no scopes were allowed.

Nazrin, Kyouko, and Kogasa were at the gates at the top of the steps, welcoming people as they arrived.
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Where's the promises they preached for this land? [Sep. 28th, 2011|02:12 am]

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[Current Location |Elric Apartments: 8-B]
[Current Music |Execution Day - Meat Loaf]

Anna stepped through a portal into the Nexus, carrying two sizable cases, one more like an oversized suitcase, and the other longer, clearly a specialty case of some sort. Both were a dull, brushed reinforced metal, and between the cases and their contents, deceptively heavy. Anna had no qualms about cheating with a levitation spell to take the bulk of the weight.

She walked over to the second apartment and released the handle of the more suitcase-like one, letting it hover in midair as she punched in the security code and opened the door before grasping the handle again.

Then upstairs to the second floor, and again, she released the handle of the case to knock on door 8-B.
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A favor to ask [Sep. 21st, 2011|01:55 am]

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((Meant for [info]hand_of_sorrow and [info]left_in_silence))

While Russell went home to fetch his brother, Edward pulled on his Paul persona again and headed downstairs to Roy and Riza's apartment. He had a favor to ask of them.

He knocked on their door.
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In which Ed hates Envy! (p.s. that is every day) [Jul. 30th, 2011|12:33 am]

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Ed arrives back on the grounds in a fury, PINing back from the Sign near the landlord's office. He barely resists the urge to just...lash out at something, anything, and get his mind into some form of coherency before going to talk to Edward about this new complication in the Nexus.

If this influx of Envies turns into a trend, he is going to have WORDS with the multiverse.

After a minute or so of standing outside and seething with rage, he goes over to the office and opens the door. "We have a problem."
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::Mission Impossible Theme:: [Sep. 6th, 2010|11:46 pm]

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[Current Mood |calm]

There is an apparent potential new resident surveying the grounds. He's a man in his early to mid twenties, with brown hair, blue eyes, and wearing clothing that could be from anywhere in the 1990's.

After a moment of getting a general layout of the grounds, he heads to the main building and presses the buzzer for the manager's office.

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