July 2015



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Jul. 19th, 2015


Has anybody worked out a plan to get to London for work tomorrow if this isn't straightened out by then? I'll admit I'm a bit flummoxed, me.

[Warded to Friends]
What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall when Malfoy first noticed his wand wasn't working, aye? I reckon his face turned all sorts of glorious colours.

[Several minutes later.]

I just realized the warding probably doesn't work. Oops. Sorry, Malfoy. (But really, how many colours DID your face turn?)

Jul. 12th, 2015


Lá Breithe Shona dhuit,
Lá Breithe Shona dhuit,
Lá Breithe Shona a Lavvy Poo,
Lá Breithe Shona dhuit!

[Warded to Lavender and Parvati]
We're headin over in a bit, got the olders sittin the littles for the night. Don't remember bein so greedy when I was their age. Seems a fortune to ask em to sit around for the evenin. Anywhat, Rho's been waitin patiently for me to finish gettin ready so we'll be out the door right quick. Assumin the dinner party ain't canceled?

[Warded to Rho]
I hear you stompin around out there, lass. I'm comin, I'm comin.

Jul. 7th, 2015


[Warded to Malia]
What're you up to this weekend?

OKAY, people, belated birthday crawl THIS week. Thanks for waiting out the moon you lot are the best SEE YOU THERE, bartenders BE READY.

Jul. 1st, 2015


Alright, lads. Let's hear it. Who's gonna be on the auction block for the bachelor auction in a couple a days? Furthermore, how much you think you're gonna go for? I only ask 'cos some of this town's most eligible young ladies are too noble, too pure-of-heart, too principled to have ever made much money in this dog-eat-dog world, so I want to hear which one of you is goin cheap.

Honestly, thinking of being on the block representing the bachelorettes, myself. I'll wash my hair and everything, so just try to resist.

Oh by the way it's Connor Flaherty's birthday! He is forty-seven years YOUNG and still loves life!! Connor, everyone!!! Let's all buy him a drink and tell him how handsome he looks.

[Warded to Hopkins Siblings & Spouses]

PS: Charmed my hair brown again, because I am working on my personal brand, and I am trusting you all to not tell mam. Last time I showed up at her house as a brunette she... was not the biggest fan okay just don't tell Mam

Jun. 30th, 2015


Bad part about your birthday being so close to your stupid sister's: she gets all the attention FIRST. How fair is THAT? In life AND in presents. And people wonder why I was obnoxious as hell when I was a kid. Or now. THIS IS WHY. 100% Blame Aoife, everyone. DONE.

That said - I hate the moon. SO, since tomorrow is undoubtedly going to SUCK (thanks, cosmos) who wants birthday drinks on me next week once I've gotten a chance to shake it off? EEH? What are we thinking: Local or Dwarf? Bourbon or Whiskey? Connor Flaherty: Almost 30 and still asking the IMPORTANT QUESTIONS.

[Warded to Seamus & Aoife]
But seriously, fuck the moon. I miss Could UGH THIS IS ROT

[Warded to Adrian Pucey]
Can I ask you a quick question or do I need to schedule a fuckin appointment?


Be warned: The pretty snow in your hair becomes less so when you walk away and it melts all at once. Ick.

[Warded to Hufflepuff '98 & Significant Others]
Hello, friends! It's been awhile since I've done a ward like this - and that's actually the point! Zacharias and I were thinking now that Hannah and Neville have joined us in town, we should have a get together over at our house for a dinner party to celebrate and catch up.

We were thinking not this weekend but the one after? Nothing fancy, obviously, and with the kids all out of school for the summer they'd probably have fun all being together too. What do you think? Is there a day on that weekend that works best for all of you? We are open for any of the three nights, so just let me know.

Also, just so everyone knows, this was Zach's idea. Hell hasn't frozen over quite yet though. He said he checked.


You'd think I'd be used to all these crazy happenings around the town, yet I still can't fathom how things can be so weird at all times.

With the snow in the fairgrounds, my daughter has decided she will be there all day. She won't even come home for lunch.

I was thinking we could have a dinner party for our friends soon. No real reason, except that it has been awhile since there was any sort of get-together. What do you think?


I suppose I can make this all official and such--the announcement will be in the paper tomorrow, in any case. I, Percy James, will be the new head coach for the Dunmoody Daredevils, beginning on Monday. I'm extremely excited for the opportunity and I think it's going to be a great season.

Daredevils-- Meet and greet at my place on Thursday night?

Jun. 29th, 2015


Quick, everyone stop what you're doing. I have an important announcement to make:

It's my birthday.

Yes, thank you, thank you. The applause and cheering that I'm positive is happening right now is well deserved, I'm sure. While we're not going to talk about how old I am, because I'm blacking out that bit of knowledge, I did start the day eating cake with the kid (she deemed it "best. breakfast. ever." and is going to be disappointed when she figures out it's only a birthday thing) and watching "Frozen" (again) so I'd say so far, so good.

Jun. 27th, 2015


What is it with your parents' need to keep pressuring you into having children, even though they already have other grandchildren to dote on? My brother has a son yet my darling mother can't stop telling me that my time is running out to have a child. I'm only 27 -- fine, almost 28 in a few days -- and I have plenty of time left. My time isn't "running out"! Right?

And it's not like I've got a long list of suitors waiting to impregnate me at any given moment.

Though I suppose if I really wanted to get pregnant, I could go to St. Mungo's and see my options...

Wait, hang on, I don't even want to think about that stuff right now. The point of this post was to rant about how my mother keeps pressuring me to have a baby, though she can't stop introducing me to all these dashing fellows who just happen to be her friends' sons or nephews or whatever.

Brunch with my parents will be quite fun this weekend.

Jun. 26th, 2015


Evan has a new favourite film now, after watching Finding Nemo. He won't stop saying "fish are friends, not food" now, so I suppose I know who his favourite character is?

But that is such a fantastic film. It my be my favourite Pixar film, honestly.

This just made me seem really old, didn't it?


I'll admit it, I've avoided the Dunmoody Carnival so far (I just don't want to spoil it for myself 'til I have the time, you see), but I plan to check it out starting tomorrow. For those that have attended for the past couple of days: what sights/sites would you recommend? Are there any Can't Be Missed features? Anything a small child would like? Anything the opposite of a small child (ie: an old person) would like?

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the fireworks display.

[Warded to Aoife]
So this is a new one:

My mother's going to be in town this weekend, just for a couple days, to make sure I'm not accidentally setting myself on fire now that I've settled in, etc etc. Would it be possible to swing by and see Bridget sometime while she's here? She'd love to see her, and you obviously, if you have the time. And I swear: I will wrangle her to the best of my ability. She'll be fine. Cross my heart.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Okay, nude dancing is important, I'll grant you. My main concern is where did those bloody cats go? I swear, if someone's gone and gotten 'rid' of them, I'll be livid. I've still got the two that crept into my house, but the fate of the others is concerning. Leslie, chime in. Reassure me.

On a side note, I'm officially taking bets on how long it takes for Malfoy to get kicked out of his sensitivity training.

Jun. 16th, 2015


I need an editor for my everyday conversations, not just my work.

Or maybe I just need a tumbler of whiskey.

But most importantly...my girls come home tomorrow, and I can't wait. It's always the last day of waiting that seems the longest.

[Warded to Connor]
So, intelligent and boring, hm?

Jun. 12th, 2015


D'you know, I think my second-favourite dragon breed- the first being too bloody obvious for me to waste the ink- is the Opaleye? How's that for a contrast, aye? They're just lambs in comparison to my darling blacks, but then I've always been a complicated lass, or so they tell me.

That being said, a poor trainer who thinks abuse is the same as discipline can turn any beastie aggressive, and that's a fact. Poor beauty. Some folk have only themselves to blame when they get their bollocks singed off.

Evidently I'm to inform all and sundry that I am WRONG and Viperteeth are best. To think I tolerate such blasphemy from me own children.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!