July 2015



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Jun. 30th, 2015


I suppose I can make this all official and such--the announcement will be in the paper tomorrow, in any case. I, Percy James, will be the new head coach for the Dunmoody Daredevils, beginning on Monday. I'm extremely excited for the opportunity and I think it's going to be a great season.

Daredevils-- Meet and greet at my place on Thursday night?

Jun. 17th, 2015


I am endlessly in awe of my little students with very big talent.


A big thank you to everyone who came out to their art show. They were so thrilled to get to show off their artwork.

Jun. 16th, 2015


I hate to say I told you so but to everyone who's ever tried to argue that the Floo network is a better mode of transportation than flying, I told you so. If AB didn't insist on it, I wouldn't even connect my house to the network. I just never use it.

That being said, is everyone alright?

Jun. 11th, 2015


[ANNABETH; backdated to June 9th]
Babe, I got an owl today from the Alexis Culpepper. Obviously, I've been following the news on the Daredevils but I didn't really expect that it would mean anything for me. They're asking for my interest in the head coach position, though. What do you think? I mean, I like being able to just [...] do my own thing. I like the constantly changing workload. But I also kind of miss being a part of a team in whatever capacity. I miss knowing I'll have a steady income And it's here in Dunmoody, so I'd be close to home, instead of the jobs I sometimes have to take out of town.

Jun. 9th, 2015


Owl to Percy James

[Owl to Percy James] )


Scorpius tried out for one of the children's Quidditch leagues this afternoon, which you'd think was him trying out for an actual team for how focused he was. But, he'll be a splendid Chaser and I can't wait to go to his games, even if Quidditch really is very bor and cheer him and the other kids on. He really loves flying a great deal and is quite the natural, so I'm glad he's getting an outlet that isn't just going around in circles in the park. Or the sitting room, despite being told multiple times not to do that.


I donated to that charity wandering around today, so you don't have to feel compelled to do it, if you were at all. They were giving me looks while I was walking home from work and I accidentally made eye contact with one of them, so I couldn't not. Plus, I suppose it is for a good cause, so what's done is done.


My grandfather, Angus MacDougal--he was a muggle, a pilot in the RAF, and he had this joke he told me when I was just a boy. “Do you know the difference between a war story and a fairy tale, lad?” he asked. I said I didn’t, and he says to me, “A fairy tale starts with ‘once upon a time’ and a war story starts with ‘So there I was!” I didn’t learn the original version until years later, when my mum wasn’t around to tell Grandda to watch his language, which is that a war story starts with “And this is no bollocks.”

So there I was, taking my turn making dinner, and my little Fiona decides to join me in the kitchen. I’m no fool, I know better than to leave her in a room if Alicia and I don’t have the lass outnumbered, but I couldn’t very well make dinner without turning my back on her for a few seconds--and swear to Merlin, it was no more than a few seconds, just long enough to pop the rolls in the oven. But I turn back around, and she is, no shite, sitting on top of the icebox. In the three seconds I didn’t have my eyes on her, she’d managed to pull the footstool over to the side, climb from that to the counter, scramble over the breadbox for a boost, and hop up on top of the icebox.

How on earth she managed it so fast I’ll never bloody know, because I could barely move fast enough to get to her before she could throw herself and the biscuit jar both to the tile below. I can only assume she gets her speed from her mother. That, or when Mum was delivering the old “I hope you have one just like you” curse at Morag, she missed and hit me instead.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!