July 2015



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Jul. 6th, 2015



Jackson is the biggest arsehole in the world sometimes.

Not wanting to subject my friends to the whinging I constantly do over a situation that I've placed myself in. So I suppose that's one good thing about these journals.


I'm craving something salty! Also, sweet. And maybe even a taco.. No, these are not pregnancy cravings I don't think I better not be

Also, it seems the auction went well? I'm just happy to be helping out charity!

Jul. 3rd, 2015


Bid for me! You know you all want a date with famous actor Joey Benedetti. If you miss out during the auction we can go on a date another time. If you're paying for that one too.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


Who needs help getting ready for the auction? I'll be going up on the block myself, because Merlin knows I haven't had a proper date in ages and I always enjoy convincing men to donate large amounts of money to charity. When it comes to long-term relationships and more than one date, it's more of what is inside that counts. But raising money for charity? That's a whole different world. A world that involves eyeliner and heels. Falsies and dresses that flatter you to perfection. Appearance is key.

We don't have anything on the docket except a brunch tomorrow, so starting at 2pm until an hour before the charity, our house will become something of a salon. If you find yourself in need of fashion and makeup advice for the night, please come by. There's nothing worse than standing in front of your closet agonizing.

I'd be happy to help for the actual date-night too.

Gentlemen (or ladies), if you've plans to bid on me, come with a full purse.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Okay, nude dancing is important, I'll grant you. My main concern is where did those bloody cats go? I swear, if someone's gone and gotten 'rid' of them, I'll be livid. I've still got the two that crept into my house, but the fate of the others is concerning. Leslie, chime in. Reassure me.

On a side note, I'm officially taking bets on how long it takes for Malfoy to get kicked out of his sensitivity training.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!