July 2015



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Jul. 19th, 2015


Has anybody worked out a plan to get to London for work tomorrow if this isn't straightened out by then? I'll admit I'm a bit flummoxed, me.

[Warded to Friends]
What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall when Malfoy first noticed his wand wasn't working, aye? I reckon his face turned all sorts of glorious colours.

[Several minutes later.]

I just realized the warding probably doesn't work. Oops. Sorry, Malfoy. (But really, how many colours DID your face turn?)

Jul. 7th, 2015


The hardest part (har har) about my house being covered in a candy shell has been keeping my seven-year-old daughter from eating it. The joys of a seven-year-old girl with a sugar high from devouring the siding have to be seen, heard, and felt to be believed. Trying to get her to bed last night was extremely difficult, at least until the sugar high ran out.

To the staff of the day care: you have my sincerest apologies.


Managed to be just outside the zone of the homes covered in chocolate this week, which is definitely something I've never had cause to say before. Can still smell it though, mingled with the general scent of day-to-day village life, which may have put me off sweets in general for the foreseeable future.

[Warded to Parvati]
So forgive me for doing this over the network, as opposed to actually face-to-face (but we're both of us busy people):

When would you be free this week for dinner, do you think? I've got my first auction related dinner this Thursday, but otherwise I'm clear, so let me know whenever you've got the chance. And let me know too if a lunch or coffee even would work better for you. Or even if you just want to bail entir

I'll be frank: this is a weird conversation to have when it's the result of an auction. Not in a bad way! But there it is.

Jul. 1st, 2015


Suppose no one really needs ten whole fingers. And the loot’s undamaged, so no one can complain I didn’t do my job properly.

The real question is, are fingerless gloves in style or will the fashion police have something else to moan at me for once winter rolls back around?

Jun. 30th, 2015


Bad part about your birthday being so close to your stupid sister's: she gets all the attention FIRST. How fair is THAT? In life AND in presents. And people wonder why I was obnoxious as hell when I was a kid. Or now. THIS IS WHY. 100% Blame Aoife, everyone. DONE.

That said - I hate the moon. SO, since tomorrow is undoubtedly going to SUCK (thanks, cosmos) who wants birthday drinks on me next week once I've gotten a chance to shake it off? EEH? What are we thinking: Local or Dwarf? Bourbon or Whiskey? Connor Flaherty: Almost 30 and still asking the IMPORTANT QUESTIONS.

[Warded to Seamus & Aoife]
But seriously, fuck the moon. I miss Could UGH THIS IS ROT

[Warded to Adrian Pucey]
Can I ask you a quick question or do I need to schedule a fuckin appointment?

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Let the record show that I, Emily Elisabeth Baddock, never want to see a man's genitalia in public. It was the first time I personally had to arrest Mack Arina, and I certainly hope it will be the last.

I will be trying to Scourgify my brain for the remainder of the day.


This afternoon I have to attend "social sensitivity" training as some sort of ridiculous Ministry initiative put forward by bored morons who've fallen off their hamster wheel in the HR department. While obviously a waste of everyone's time, I resent the implication that somehow I'm not socially sensitive. If anything, I have the opposite problem - I'm very perceptive and empathetic and always right, so when the rest of the world is a tone-deaf mess I find it very frustrating, which is why everyone just needs to listen to what I say and stop being mouth-breathing dolts with brains of a doxy.

It reminds me of when Mother and Father took me to Italy in the summer between my third and fourth year to make up for the Hippogriff mauling, and I was forced to go through museum after museum looking at dated pieces of "art" in the name of culture. Mother suggested that I needed to be grateful for having new experiences, but why would I be grateful for experiences I don't enjoy? In fact, the very fact that European vacations were forced upon me is likely why to this day I find Italians a barbaric sort. They're so loud and dramatic and have to be the center of attention at all times; it makes me so irritated because as a result they hardly ever pay me the mind they should. I would never force Scorpius to appreciate art. I am far too socially sensitive for that.

Jun. 11th, 2015



Q. When are the cast and crew coming to Dunmoody?
A. We don't know yet.

Q. Will I have a chance to schedule my appointment to avoid their visit?
A. My patients certainly will, although emergency patients may not.

Q. Will I have a chance to schedule my appointment to be there during their visit?
A. Not if you're my patient.

Q. Do you think Healing accurately reflects the life of a Mungo's Healer?
A. Surely you jest.

Q. What's it really like, then?
A. What happens in the staff room stays in the staff room.

This concludes this frequently asked question list for the Dunmoody clinic. Thanks for your support.

For those of you who care about important things: Life of Brian vs Holy Grail, go!

Jun. 10th, 2015


This WEATHER, friends! It finally feels like summer and I'm happy, I am! Not only does that mean we can take Fi to the park or play in the yard that much more, but it means it's my favourite season for the Community Center. AND! I get to brush off the ol' broom for some actual ~gasp~ pick-up Quidditch in the SUN! And encourage the husband to do yardwork shirtless. Hmmm. Yes. Summer. Sweet sweet summer.

Speaking of being a bit of a perv: We're showing Monty Python's Life of Brian tonight at 8pm for Adult Film night and I can't wait because it has been TOO long since I've seen that film. If you haven't, and you're over 18, I highly, highly recommend it, I do. If we don't get the whole crowd whistling with the end tune I will be very disappointed! "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" is something I take very close to heart, you know. Every word. Come hang out, meet people, laugh. Get Circe's new single out of your head with something that will STILL horrify you when your kids repeat it later and is just as catchy!

And if that's too offensive/risque for your tastes or you just CAN'T get that babysitter, this Friday, June 12th, we're playing Tangled for Family Film night and it's basically the best thing Disney's come out with in the last ten years. I know Fiona loooooooooves Rapunzel. And it's something NOT FROZEN! Thank Merlin, it's not Frozen. So you should come to that too!

Jun. 7th, 2015


In case any of you were wondering, the Muggle school system is a nightmare of bloody bureaucracy. If you want to send your children there, particularly if your children have any kind of special needs, then for the love of Merlin start early on figuring out how everything works.

[Warded to Thalia and Annabeth]
So, who's for the Local tonight? I'm knee deep in reading on a Sunday so I'll be ready to argue tomorrow morning about reasonable adjustments with a vicious little martinet of a muggle school administrator and get my 8 year old set to start in the fall, and I could really use a drink or three. Maybe four.

Jun. 5th, 2015


My favourite bookshop is closing down.

While I'm not typically one for the dramatics, but finding a new place will take ages. Does anyone have any good suggestions? All I can do is blame this on the Amazon... which is exactly what the owner told me. I don't know what that means (and I don't think he meant the rainforest or the species of women), but I'm glad to have something to place blame on. Blast you, Amazon.


Look, I don't know about you all, but I'm pretty sure I need to go and take part in kids night at the community center, even if I don't have a kid to drag along with me for appearances. "The Incredibles" is probably one of my favorite films, which might be slightly influenced by how a two-year-old Nora was completely entranced by it when we brought it home the first time. I don't know why and I didn't question it back then, since Deirdre was an infant and anything that both kept at least one of them quiet and was also safe was fine in my books, but it grew on me.

Anyway, moral of this story? Either someone needs to lend me one of their kids for the evening, I need to just go without a kid, or Seamus and I need to work on having another kid, so I can watch children's movies at the community center. Or I could just watch it at home.

These are life's tough decisions.

Jun. 3rd, 2015


Salutations! Dw i heb dy weld ti ers talwn! I'm back from Egypt - did you miss me? Oh, the booby traps are lovely this time of year! At least this time I've returned with most of my skin intact. If you'd like to hear me ramble all about my favourite mummies/third-degree burns in person, please feel free to join me tomorrow night (ISN'T THIS A CLEVER SEGUE?) for karaoke and Merlin-knows-what-else (Revelry? Stoic existentialist discussion? Eating ice cream until we get brain freeze?? You won't know unless you come!) - you know you want to! Who knows? It may or may not even be my birthday (What, is that a hint? I would never!).

Well, that's enough abuse of punctuation and parentheses for one day. I feel out of the loop. Tell me all about your day, talk my ear off, let's hear it. I see some new faces around the network, and I'd love to know get to know you (for those of you who don't know me, my name is Llewellyn Fortescue: translator, rapscallion, ice cream heritor extraordinaire). Cheerio!

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!