July 2015

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July 7th, 2015

[info]hitandheal in [info]dunmoody

French night at the Community Centre.

Défi accepté.

Yes, I'm cooking. Yes, it's going to be brilliant - you can bet on it. In fact, I give you all leave to do so, because I'll be sure to prove the naysayers wrong.

[info]condork in [info]dunmoody

[Warded to Malia]
What're you up to this weekend?

OKAY, people, belated birthday crawl THIS week. Thanks for waiting out the moon you lot are the best SEE YOU THERE, bartenders BE READY.

[info]longtimecoming in [info]dunmoody

Managed to be just outside the zone of the homes covered in chocolate this week, which is definitely something I've never had cause to say before. Can still smell it though, mingled with the general scent of day-to-day village life, which may have put me off sweets in general for the foreseeable future.

[Warded to Parvati]
So forgive me for doing this over the network, as opposed to actually face-to-face (but we're both of us busy people):

When would you be free this week for dinner, do you think? I've got my first auction related dinner this Thursday, but otherwise I'm clear, so let me know whenever you've got the chance. And let me know too if a lunch or coffee even would work better for you. Or even if you just want to bail entir

I'll be frank: this is a weird conversation to have when it's the result of an auction. Not in a bad way! But there it is.

[info]calmafterstorm in [info]dunmoody

I've a date on Sunday night, do you want Ri for the day and night and to take him to daycare on Monday, or would you prefer Lav or Padma watching him?

[info]mindhealer in [info]dunmoody

The hardest part (har har) about my house being covered in a candy shell has been keeping my seven-year-old daughter from eating it. The joys of a seven-year-old girl with a sugar high from devouring the siding have to be seen, heard, and felt to be believed. Trying to get her to bed last night was extremely difficult, at least until the sugar high ran out.

To the staff of the day care: you have my sincerest apologies.