July 2015



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Jul. 7th, 2015


[Warded to Malia]
What're you up to this weekend?

OKAY, people, belated birthday crawl THIS week. Thanks for waiting out the moon you lot are the best SEE YOU THERE, bartenders BE READY.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


Who needs help getting ready for the auction? I'll be going up on the block myself, because Merlin knows I haven't had a proper date in ages and I always enjoy convincing men to donate large amounts of money to charity. When it comes to long-term relationships and more than one date, it's more of what is inside that counts. But raising money for charity? That's a whole different world. A world that involves eyeliner and heels. Falsies and dresses that flatter you to perfection. Appearance is key.

We don't have anything on the docket except a brunch tomorrow, so starting at 2pm until an hour before the charity, our house will become something of a salon. If you find yourself in need of fashion and makeup advice for the night, please come by. There's nothing worse than standing in front of your closet agonizing.

I'd be happy to help for the actual date-night too.

Gentlemen (or ladies), if you've plans to bid on me, come with a full purse.


I'm going to die alone and it's going to be because the stupid Singles auction thing is on the night of the Full Moon.

Jul. 1st, 2015


Alright, lads. Let's hear it. Who's gonna be on the auction block for the bachelor auction in a couple a days? Furthermore, how much you think you're gonna go for? I only ask 'cos some of this town's most eligible young ladies are too noble, too pure-of-heart, too principled to have ever made much money in this dog-eat-dog world, so I want to hear which one of you is goin cheap.

Honestly, thinking of being on the block representing the bachelorettes, myself. I'll wash my hair and everything, so just try to resist.

Oh by the way it's Connor Flaherty's birthday! He is forty-seven years YOUNG and still loves life!! Connor, everyone!!! Let's all buy him a drink and tell him how handsome he looks.

[Warded to Hopkins Siblings & Spouses]

PS: Charmed my hair brown again, because I am working on my personal brand, and I am trusting you all to not tell mam. Last time I showed up at her house as a brunette she... was not the biggest fan okay just don't tell Mam

Jun. 30th, 2015


Bad part about your birthday being so close to your stupid sister's: she gets all the attention FIRST. How fair is THAT? In life AND in presents. And people wonder why I was obnoxious as hell when I was a kid. Or now. THIS IS WHY. 100% Blame Aoife, everyone. DONE.

That said - I hate the moon. SO, since tomorrow is undoubtedly going to SUCK (thanks, cosmos) who wants birthday drinks on me next week once I've gotten a chance to shake it off? EEH? What are we thinking: Local or Dwarf? Bourbon or Whiskey? Connor Flaherty: Almost 30 and still asking the IMPORTANT QUESTIONS.

[Warded to Seamus & Aoife]
But seriously, fuck the moon. I miss Could UGH THIS IS ROT

[Warded to Adrian Pucey]
Can I ask you a quick question or do I need to schedule a fuckin appointment?

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Let the record show that I, Emily Elisabeth Baddock, never want to see a man's genitalia in public. It was the first time I personally had to arrest Mack Arina, and I certainly hope it will be the last.

I will be trying to Scourgify my brain for the remainder of the day.

Jun. 16th, 2015


I need an editor for my everyday conversations, not just my work.

Or maybe I just need a tumbler of whiskey.

But most importantly...my girls come home tomorrow, and I can't wait. It's always the last day of waiting that seems the longest.

[Warded to Connor]
So, intelligent and boring, hm?


Why is the food in Pete's Pet Store so much more expensive than the grocery store? I wish to purchase a fresh rabbit because the last time I hunted in Lupin's Wood I heard people say "oh Merlin where is its head" and "make the children look away" and it was stressful and overly dramatic. But Pete's has very expensive rabbits.

I do not like this system of groceries. It seems arbitrary and wasteful to me.

[ Warded to Seamus Finnigan ]

Hello. Your brother said that you were smart and boring and that I should come to you for mating questions. I have many.

[ /Ward ]

Jun. 13th, 2015


I've come to realise that my body isn't what it used to be. I can no longer nurse my hangover the same way that I could have just a couple of years ago. It's quite a nuisance.

But on the bright side, there is still one more day left to get back onto the normal side of life before the glorious work week starts!

Jun. 10th, 2015


Hey Dunmoody, I've got a question for you.

Where does one go to meet new people, for potential romantic-type situations? Just out of curiosity.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!