July 2015



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Jun. 23rd, 2015


This afternoon I have to attend "social sensitivity" training as some sort of ridiculous Ministry initiative put forward by bored morons who've fallen off their hamster wheel in the HR department. While obviously a waste of everyone's time, I resent the implication that somehow I'm not socially sensitive. If anything, I have the opposite problem - I'm very perceptive and empathetic and always right, so when the rest of the world is a tone-deaf mess I find it very frustrating, which is why everyone just needs to listen to what I say and stop being mouth-breathing dolts with brains of a doxy.

It reminds me of when Mother and Father took me to Italy in the summer between my third and fourth year to make up for the Hippogriff mauling, and I was forced to go through museum after museum looking at dated pieces of "art" in the name of culture. Mother suggested that I needed to be grateful for having new experiences, but why would I be grateful for experiences I don't enjoy? In fact, the very fact that European vacations were forced upon me is likely why to this day I find Italians a barbaric sort. They're so loud and dramatic and have to be the center of attention at all times; it makes me so irritated because as a result they hardly ever pay me the mind they should. I would never force Scorpius to appreciate art. I am far too socially sensitive for that.

Jun. 18th, 2015


Log: Luke and Thalia

WHO: Luke Carmichael and Thalia Brooks
WHERE: The Local
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHAT: Catching Up
WARNING: None, really?
STATUS: log; complete.

The poor man now thinks you’re some kind of Dark Arts Sex Queen and will be thinking of literally nothing else the entire rest of his shift. )

Jun. 17th, 2015


This new "Hexpresso" drink over at The Magic Bean seems to be having quite the effect on people, and while I question the wisdom of drinking something that actually has hex in its name, I also admit to a certain curiousity about it.

Could someone who's tried it report how it feels? Furthermore, would you recommend it? Lastly, though most importantly: do you think you'll ever be able to sleep again?

[Warded to Percy James, following this]
The other night, I definitely didn't mean to correct you regarding the complications that might arise from a charmed broom; of course you are well versed in such eventualities, and I was merely stating the obvious. Either way, I hope I didn't seem condescending at all. Tone is so difficult to discern in these journals, so I just wanted to make that clear.

Unrelatedly: is there any truth to the rumour you are going to be coaching the Daredevils?

Jun. 9th, 2015


Warded to Luke and Annabeth

Well, there's another one gone. This is why I don't bring them around to meet you. They start getting ideas, and the next thing you know, he wants to see you more than once every two weeks.

Jun. 7th, 2015


In case any of you were wondering, the Muggle school system is a nightmare of bloody bureaucracy. If you want to send your children there, particularly if your children have any kind of special needs, then for the love of Merlin start early on figuring out how everything works.

[Warded to Thalia and Annabeth]
So, who's for the Local tonight? I'm knee deep in reading on a Sunday so I'll be ready to argue tomorrow morning about reasonable adjustments with a vicious little martinet of a muggle school administrator and get my 8 year old set to start in the fall, and I could really use a drink or three. Maybe four.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!