July 2015



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Jul. 21st, 2015


Log; Henry & Lea

Who: Henry Sullivan and Lea Fawley Sullivan
What: When you don't have magic, you can still make your own magic.
When: Late night Saturday 18 July 2015
Where: Their house in Dunmoody
Warnings: None really.

Turns out I can still do a lot of things Muggle-style. )

Jul. 19th, 2015


Has anybody worked out a plan to get to London for work tomorrow if this isn't straightened out by then? I'll admit I'm a bit flummoxed, me.

[Warded to Friends]
What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall when Malfoy first noticed his wand wasn't working, aye? I reckon his face turned all sorts of glorious colours.

[Several minutes later.]

I just realized the warding probably doesn't work. Oops. Sorry, Malfoy. (But really, how many colours DID your face turn?)

Jul. 18th, 2015


Nobody freak out, but my entire street appears to be... well, kinda Muggle-ish. Magic's turned off. Even my wand is just a stick now. I mean, I grew up Muggle, so it's not so bad for me. But the old lady down the hall is in a real panic.

Jul. 13th, 2015


I realize this is a country obsessed with tea, but just once I'd like to be able to find a decent cup of espresso.

Jul. 12th, 2015


Nothing like being reminded of scrapes you got into at the age of twelve. Thank you for that Filch.

[Ward: Henry]
I know that you severely dislike the idea of a neighborhood association, but I was reviewing the rules and they are not so very unreasonable, really.

Jul. 6th, 2015


[Warded to the Director of Programming for the Dunmoody Community Centre]
I'm volunteering for the panel discussion for this month. I understand you're looking for Muggleborn wizards and witches to speak on our experiences, particularly those of us who are used to public speaking.

My position with the Goblin Liaison Office requires some public speaking and dealing with complainants who may not be happy with Ministry policy in a firm but pleasant manner. If you're looking for an older wizard who can offer perspective on what it's like to grow up Muggle and live as an adult among wizards, accommodating both cultures and using that openness to work with others, I'm your man.

Please let me know if there's any way I can assist with this panel, whether by serving as a member or in some other capacity. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

[Warded to Lea]
I almost forgot. The multicultural potluck at the community centre tomorrow is France-themed! What did you bring back that we can take to the potluck?

Jul. 4th, 2015


Fuck fucking Divination Day, Jesus fucking Christ. This is such bullshit. Like I don't have enough bad luck already?? Whoever did this to me, you suck. Trelawney, you suck too. Sam, if I die tripping over the coffee table or something freaking stupid like that, I'm coming back to haunt your ass.


So, this morning I ran into the illustrious Professor Trelawney, who I could honestly believe has not changed one smidgen from when I attended Hogwarts and she predicted that I would die, as you do.

And I wouldn't think anything of this, but I'm pretty certain I have a lump on my head from raising up and banging it into a cabinet door that was open, and I just burned my hand on the iron. So, Henry darling, if I die before the day is out please put something witty on my gravestone will you?

Jun. 26th, 2015


So we've had our twins back from Hogwarts after their first year, and it's been absolutely delightful to have the house full once more. The next question is, what do we do with them for the entire summer now that they're a bit old for regular day care? There has to be some sort of summer program for kids of Hogwarts age.

We're particularly interested in anything that leads toward magizoology for our older son.

Jun. 25th, 2015


Log: Henry & Lea

Who: Lea Fawley-Sullivan and Henry Sullivan
What: The house is too small!
When: Evening of 24 June 2015
Where: Their home in Dunmoody
Warnings: None!

If you need some quiet, I could chase them all to their rooms. )

Jun. 22nd, 2015


Um, where is this new glitter sparkle cream and how do I get it? I just saw someone SPARKLING as they walked down the street and it was glorious.

Jun. 18th, 2015


My Hexpresso-riddled counterpart managed to coerce two mortal enemies to agree to a meeting and scheduled me for 18-hour days for the next three weeks. And Claire went on her maternity on Friday.

This will be a fun experience.

Jun. 17th, 2015


It's good to have the twins back, but we are definitely going to the Dunmoody Community Centre for film night tonight. I think Joanna has attempted to explain every spell she learned over the course of a year in less than one hour and I am very ready to force her to leave the last half of the year till tomorrow over breakfast by engaging her attention with a good escape into space fantasy.


[more hastily-scribbled looking than usual]
Has anyone tried the Bean's Hexpresso this morning? It's brilliant! I brought coffee in for my wing of the office and ended up drinking a few of them myself and the energy has been utterly brilliant. I'm getting so much done my paperwork is already complete and it's not even noon, this is fantastic - I'll have time to reorganize my entire desk which I've been meaning to do for months now! Maybe I'll even have a chance to properly color code my field notes, they've been driving me nutters.

My office-mate keeps giving me funny looks, but I just don't understand why, I don't understand what's not to enjoy about feeling utterly and completely productive at work, it's as if he's never seen me write memos or clean my space before!

Jun. 16th, 2015


That was not how my morning commute was meant to go. Shows me to use aught but my broom, doesn't it?

If no one's warned you all, Floos are wonky. Or my Floo is wonky anyroad.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!