July 2015



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Jul. 2nd, 2015


I'm going to die alone and it's going to be because the stupid Singles auction thing is on the night of the Full Moon.

Jun. 18th, 2015


My Hexpresso-riddled counterpart managed to coerce two mortal enemies to agree to a meeting and scheduled me for 18-hour days for the next three weeks. And Claire went on her maternity on Friday.

This will be a fun experience.

Jun. 17th, 2015


This new "Hexpresso" drink over at The Magic Bean seems to be having quite the effect on people, and while I question the wisdom of drinking something that actually has hex in its name, I also admit to a certain curiousity about it.

Could someone who's tried it report how it feels? Furthermore, would you recommend it? Lastly, though most importantly: do you think you'll ever be able to sleep again?

[Warded to Percy James, following this]
The other night, I definitely didn't mean to correct you regarding the complications that might arise from a charmed broom; of course you are well versed in such eventualities, and I was merely stating the obvious. Either way, I hope I didn't seem condescending at all. Tone is so difficult to discern in these journals, so I just wanted to make that clear.

Unrelatedly: is there any truth to the rumour you are going to be coaching the Daredevils?

Jun. 6th, 2015


One of the unforeseen effects of living with a ten-year-old who enjoys crafts: there is glitter everywhere.

Jun. 3rd, 2015


I'll pay someone a galleon 9 sickles and 4 knuts if they bring me a rare steak for breakfast. And I'll pay for the steak too, I guess.

Prejudiced d-bags can kiss my ass.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Hi. I'm Malia. My tutor says I should use this network as a way to improve my grammar and spelling. If you see me writing something wrong, tell me what I did and I'll try to correct it.

I will absolutely hate you forever, though.

I'm also supposed to use the network "to improve my socialization skills and make friends". I really want to pass this test so if you would like to get a free Mexican dish by being my friend just let me know.

[ Edited to Add ]: There will be no free Mexican dish. That was a lie. Sorry.


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!