July 2015



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Jul. 6th, 2015



Jackson is the biggest arsehole in the world sometimes.

Not wanting to subject my friends to the whinging I constantly do over a situation that I've placed myself in. So I suppose that's one good thing about these journals.


I'm craving something salty! Also, sweet. And maybe even a taco.. No, these are not pregnancy cravings I don't think I better not be

Also, it seems the auction went well? I'm just happy to be helping out charity!

Jun. 11th, 2015



Q. When are the cast and crew coming to Dunmoody?
A. We don't know yet.

Q. Will I have a chance to schedule my appointment to avoid their visit?
A. My patients certainly will, although emergency patients may not.

Q. Will I have a chance to schedule my appointment to be there during their visit?
A. Not if you're my patient.

Q. Do you think Healing accurately reflects the life of a Mungo's Healer?
A. Surely you jest.

Q. What's it really like, then?
A. What happens in the staff room stays in the staff room.

This concludes this frequently asked question list for the Dunmoody clinic. Thanks for your support.

For those of you who care about important things: Life of Brian vs Holy Grail, go!


Did you know that today is International Medi-Witch/Wizard Day? If you didn't, now you know. Take a moment, tell a Medi-Witch that you appreciate him/her. Do it.

AND while we're on the topic, stop by the Dunmoody Fairgrounds today! There's going to be a walk-a-thon this afternoon, and you can sponsor walkers (or be a walker!) to help raise money for St. Mungo's.

Basically, get your butts there and do some good. I'll be manning the bakery sale table and attempting not to eat my weight in Chocolate Cauldron Cakes and probably failing so that I end up donating most of our savings to St. Mungo's. Sorry Ben! Love you Ben!

Jun. 10th, 2015


This WEATHER, friends! It finally feels like summer and I'm happy, I am! Not only does that mean we can take Fi to the park or play in the yard that much more, but it means it's my favourite season for the Community Center. AND! I get to brush off the ol' broom for some actual ~gasp~ pick-up Quidditch in the SUN! And encourage the husband to do yardwork shirtless. Hmmm. Yes. Summer. Sweet sweet summer.

Speaking of being a bit of a perv: We're showing Monty Python's Life of Brian tonight at 8pm for Adult Film night and I can't wait because it has been TOO long since I've seen that film. If you haven't, and you're over 18, I highly, highly recommend it, I do. If we don't get the whole crowd whistling with the end tune I will be very disappointed! "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" is something I take very close to heart, you know. Every word. Come hang out, meet people, laugh. Get Circe's new single out of your head with something that will STILL horrify you when your kids repeat it later and is just as catchy!

And if that's too offensive/risque for your tastes or you just CAN'T get that babysitter, this Friday, June 12th, we're playing Tangled for Family Film night and it's basically the best thing Disney's come out with in the last ten years. I know Fiona loooooooooves Rapunzel. And it's something NOT FROZEN! Thank Merlin, it's not Frozen. So you should come to that too!

Jun. 9th, 2015


The good: Business is booming and we couldn't be happier about it! We barely have any days free for anything impromptu in the few upcoming months. But if you're a very good friend and you happen to not have planned anything yet for your most important day, we could likely still help you out. In the name of friendship.

The bad: I may not survive the wedding season and I foresee one of two things happening: 1) I hex a particularly bothersome pervy Groomzilla or 2) I die of exhaustion.

Either way, cushioning charms on my stilettos and a dirty, happy, beaming face when I pick him up at daycare are the only two things getting me through the next two months.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Disregard This Fun Post!

This is an OOC Post. If you don't see your character tag, please reply!

Apparently in order to have tags show up in the list of available tags (when they are mod-created), they need to be used at least once to show up. SO I CREATE POST. AND TAG ALL THE PEOPLE.

HI, welcome! You being here is like love!