January 10th, 2013

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

Hey everyone!

To give your characters something to do until the next plot rolls around, we've decided to do another questionnaire.

As always, all characters' PDAs will receive the following questions. If your character isn't the type to fill it out on their own, feel free to say that it wouldn't go away until they answered the questions. Also, Asaph will be affecting everyone who answers with a sort of low-level honesty compulsion. They won't have to be honest in any of their discussions, but they will have to answer all of the questions honestly. Also, they will not be able to erase anything. So it'll all be fail!strikeouts. To designate something a character tried to get rid of basically do </s>this</s>.

The questionnaire can be found behind the cut.

The Questionnaire )

Again, as always, just have your characters fill it out, and have fun with both their answers and their reactions to other people's.

♥ - The Mods